The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Updates and the To-Do's

Naturally being a new blogger, I cannot help but be transfixed on this new little project. I literally spent 2 hours this morning frigging around with the HTML in order to adjust the template to my taste. It's not working out too well.

I just came in from my first class ever this year, The Study of The Novel. As my professor puts it, "this course will require heavy reading - it's best to read the book quickly and follow along with the class instead of falling behind...". Not being able to enjoy the book would take all meaning out of the class for me. I for one will take my time enjoying the books. I paid enough for them. You'll soon notice that I hate spending money and often complain if I make a purchase against my will (I'd rather put the cash in my savings). I inherited the tightwad gene from my dad.

Besides that, I called Corporate Affairs this morning and they left a message for me while I was in class. I should be recieving my confirmation documnents in the mail on Monday. Problem is -it's going to my parents house in New Brunswick, and not to my residence here in Nova Scotia. Does that mean the name was approved? Ugh!

Right now, I am just finishing up a pre-proposal for my client. It will be sent out by the end of today. Then I have to go back into my own business plan and make a spreadsheet for my operating financials. Luckily for me, I took an entrepreneurship class last year where we had to think of a business, write a complete business plan, and present it to actual VC's, Angel's, and other business leaders. It was in this class that I learned the importance of an electronic financial spreadsheet. In the words of my professor at the time, "it should always be on your desktop if you are a business owner, so you can go in and adjust figures as they change".

I should make a short to-do list to keep track of everything (I'm a serial to-do-lister):

  • Finish Client Pre-Proposal and Send Out
  • Financial Spreadsheet
  • Read Essays for English class (Realism and Romance, and Realism and The Novel Form)
  • Get UPass and Agenda from Student Center (so I can make even more to-do lists!)
  • Ideas for next MissBiz column?
  • Post latest MissBiz article

Keep Bizzy!


"Opportunity often comes dressed in overalls and is disguised as work"

Thomas Edison


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