The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Are Bookworms Extinct?

Lately I've been interested in looking for some genuine bookclub networks online. I'm talking about hardcore bookclubs that are not corporate related, or in conjunction with exisiting bookstores (which obviously have alternative motives than just purely the love of reading). When I search for clubs online, however, I cannot find anything close to what I am looking for. They are either tiny clubs located in various towns and cities, or clubs run by corporations.

Obviously a bookseller would create a "book club". They're promoting their products. But where are the indie networks?

This is very odd. Maybe I'm just missing something? The types of genres I am interested in include - business profiles and biographies, bio-histories, A.D. history, best selling and popular fiction, Canadian literature, and classic novels. I really can't find anything I'm looking for at all.

I mean, I found a couple corporate "clubs" which I would like to keep on top of, namely Oprah, just to see what's going on there - but this is a far cry of what I have in mind.

I really love reading (which I haven't had much time to do as of late, since I am going to school, working for The Journal, Marketing Director for a golf product, and starting my own business). But this is the main reason why I take English electives (especially novel related courses) - reading novels and writing are leisurely for me; hence, why I began Scribe Professional Writing & Editing Solutions.

Hm. I might have to do something about this. I'll keep digging around though and I will update later.

Keep Bizzy!

" 'Tis the good reader that makes the good book "
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading too...but it's so dang hard to find the time these days!

10:50 PM  
Blogger MissBiz said...

Tell me about it!

It's hard to think of reading as "fun" when you have a mountain of text chapters to read for classes.

I'm looking forward to the Christmas break. I'm trying to line up some good *recreational* novels :)

8:39 AM  

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