The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Alternatives

I still cannot fully reason why I am so interested in anti-media and anti-consumerism organizations, such as AdBusters, This Magazine, and even Alternative Media Watch - which is American.

You'd think that, like many commerce students, my opus in life would be the accumulation of money and power - undercutting the underdog and fighting my way up the corporate ladder. I even felt guilty because my education thus far has cost approximately $65,000 and here I am, stimulated by the idea of rebelling against everything (most) of my professors have taught me - about corporate strategy, mass marketing, economies of scale, and globalization.

Well, I am making it sound worse than it actually is. The thing about University is that, yes, unless entrepreneurship courses are offered (and they are often hard to come by), you will be learning mostly about corporate scenarios and how to somewhat fit the mould of an executive manager. Not everything I've learned so far has been in vain, though. It is with this in-class education that I have branched out and felt the need to learn more about the seamy underbelly of Corporate America. You can't really appreciate one without recognizing the other.

I suppose the interest in anti-corporate, anti-media, and anti-consumerism affairs springs from my affliction for small enterprises aka "the underdogs". To me, small enterprises are the root of the entrepreneurial spirit. The entrepreneur - not the executive managers with the corner offices - truly love what they do. Their business is their life and their sustainability. I appreciate that dedication, perserverance, vision, and savvy.

Another reason that I seek out alternative media is the fact that I've learned enough to not rely on mainstream media... Maybe that was a more simple answer after all.

Keep Bizzy


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