The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Leveling the Playing Field (My Thought Paper on Youtube)

I've been marinating the endless possibilities of media sites like Youtube today - especially with the emergence of Lonelygirl15. I think we have only scratched the surface in developing interactive communication forms that will ultimately bridge the gap between provider and end-user.

I think what is supremely interesting is that businesses are now realizing that obscene financial investments in marketing and promotion does not guarentee a product's success. New technologies, consumer-operated media vehicles, and communities (such as Youtube and myspace) are leveling the playing field between mega corps and small businesses, where the product's success relies more on innovation and consumer involvement, rather than multi-million dollar advertising campaigns which actually distance the consumer from the product by creating unattainable ideologies (for example, Lonelygirl15 and her video blogs versus a 45 foot advert in Times Square of Kate Moss).

Consumers find value in attainable 'relationships' with the companies they deal with (thus, the growing popularity of specialty and service oriented boutiques). All this while, the "customers" or more appropriately still, "the viewers" of the Lonelygirl15 saga continually posted their responses and reflections about "Bree" "Daniel" and "Purple Monkey" in their own Youtube video blogs, thus, they were excited at the idea of interacting with this "accidental" celebrity.

Youtube creates a common thread and blurred line between "celebrity/ corporation" and "viewer/ consumer". Because most people in today's world revolt against the thought of being marketed to, this new "artform/ marketing medium" could have dire consequences to a company that should abuse the viewers trust (as Lonelygirl15 has been accused of doing). But nonetheless, the creators of Lonelygirl15 have unexpectedly formed and revealed (even to the most talented industry professionals) what the future in consumer marketing holds. The Lonelygirl15 marketing formula is the benchmark to which companies of all sizes aspire to mimic; giving consumers what they want, when they want, and how they want it, without having to break the bank to make it possible.

Keep Bizzy!

"We built your fort. We will not have it used against us."
John Wayne Allegheny Uprising


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