The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Youtube Geniuses?

I am officially convinced that the people behind are geniuses. Period.

It's hard to believe that last weeks MissBiz column, entitled "Youtube and a Marketing Phenomenon" (which was posted in this blog on Sept. 9th, 2006) was debating the factors relating to the validity of the Lonelygirl15 saga. Since the publication of my article, there have been daily insights and revelations which have exposed the truth.

Within this past week, we found out that the entire drama was created by a small production company (hence, the above average videos and considerable editing). However, the world was still waiting to find out who the actress dubbed Lonelygirl15 really was - and now we know. I also came across what looks like a personal blog (but probably isn't) that features more candid pictures of the actress - in a private jet.

I then fumbled upon another Youtube video which really got my wheels-a-turnin'.

It makes sense, and if it is the truth - they definately get my sincerest props. Any company in their right minds would find huge benefit to have a celebrity-type spokesperson with a good story (Microsoft, Dell, etc). They are also directly communicating with their fans so that the viewers can possibly throw ideas as to how the story should unfold, twist, and turn. The important part of this is that they are interacting with their fans - something not many corporatins can logistically do in an efficient way. Not only are they commendable for these reasons, but the mere fact that they keep unravelling this story one day at a time ensures that people, like myself, while maybe not interested in the actual Lonelygirl15 video blogs themselves, will be curious about where this path will lead.

Read more about the marketing of Lonelygirl15 here.

Keep Bizzy

"A genius is one who shoots at something no one else can see - and hits it"
Author Unknown


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