The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Scribe Professional Writing & Editing Solutions

That's it! My business name is officially registered!

And by the description, it is fairly obviously what the business is - which was the intension for marketing and recognition purposes (and just plain common sense, really). I deliberated this name for a long time and I am very happy with it. It's a promising brand name. It's not confusing, misleading, or vague.

So there you have it. Now that that issue is sorted, I have a ton of work to do.

I still have to settle on the logo design for the business cards and other necessary stationary. I am fairly certain that a good friend of mine (and a miraculous graphic artist) will be helping me with the design of the logo and business cards. He's helped me out before in a similar situation, and he can always be counted on to produce *the best* work. This is another bonus of post-secondary education - you make friends with future feild professionals who will most likely help you out for free (as long as it can be reciprocated) :) His blog link is in "My Blog Fellowship" on the left sidebar of this page - "S.Pace".

My business goals for the next 3.5 months include:

  • Finalizing a logo and slogan
  • Business card design
  • Letterheads and other stationary design
  • Setting up a business cell number
  • Registering a website domain
  • Designing an informational website (to accompany this MissBiz blog!)
  • Updating the business plan: continuing analysis of the market and competition, closely monitoring expenditures, and strategizing growth opportunities

This can all be done while I am finishing this semester so that the business is ready to be executed in January. There are many details I can't share at this point (the place of operation, the potential logo, marketing plans, etc...) until they are concrete.

I know I haven't relinquished too much information at this point. But as the business develops, I will be revealing more - one step at a time.

Besides that, I have heaps of reading to do for my classes, a couple small papers, and a case all due by next week. My Family Business course at Dalhousie is great, and the professor is well spoken - and fun! It's nice to finally be around a group of people who can share their personal experiences and who can relate to your family background. Comforting is the word.

Keep Bizzy


"There is no such thing as the "right time"; There is only right now"

Jacqueline Howatt (Me!)


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