The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Monday, October 23, 2006

It's Just The Beginning

These past few days have been crazy!

Yesterday (Sunday) my parents came down for the day. This wasn't just any kind of visit though. They came down for a purpose. My friend S.Pace took on the job of touching up some graphic design glitches for the golf product packaging. My parents wanted to meet him, and stay while he worked on it. I didn't expect it - but it took from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm! All day! It was completed and everything, but my parents wanted to get back to Moncton before sun-down (it's a 2.5 hour drive) so they left around 5:00 pm. However, S.Pace and I stayed in the office until it was finished. Based on this, I really think that working on the tradeshow with him is going to be a positive experience *knock on wood*.

Unfortunately, this meant that I had no time to do school work, or to even properly write a MissBiz article for today. Fortunately, there were several great submissions for the Business Section, so I am in the green. I still wrote a MissBiz article, but it isn't even close to what I wanted to cover. The one I wanted would have demanded a lot more time. Thankfully, there's always next week!

So tonight and tomorrow my main goal is to read the rest of Pride & Prejudice. For some odd reason, this novel is not cooperating with me. I find it very dry and the language is pretentious (if language can be pretentious...?). To make the reading go faster (so I could understand the nature of the characters and plot better) I rented the movie this past weekend - featuring Keira Knightley. I am still reading the book, but now that I fully understand the outline of the plot - the reading will hopefully be more interesting. I know it sounds like cheating, but it really isn't in this case. I actually adore the storyline, and especially the entire era - with the pretty dresses and handsome uniforms. Beautiful!

Oh one more thing! Tonight my friend "Lordo" came into the Journal office to ask if I wanted to go to a business networking event hosted by the SMU Business Development Center ("Lordo" is the Events Programmer for SMUSA). I wasn't dressed for the occasion, but I went anyway. I walked in and immediately knew so many people that I was not expecting to see! It was great. I even ran into a guy I've met at other networking events who is now an account manager for the BDC. He said if I ever need funding for Scribe, I should give him a call.

I might be attending the Commerce Society's Wine and Cheese networking event on Wednesday (I have attended for the past 3 years). However, there's only a slight chance I will go as I have a mountain of school work to do, as this golf product is stealing away my free time.

Keep Bizzy!

"More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject"
Peter Drucker


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