The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Procrastination is Opportunity's Assassin

I arrived at home last night. I thought about posting, but my dad needed to talk about some business and I didn't get around to it. It looks like I'll be working on a plan of attack (re-branding strategy) for the next few days. This is not for the golf product business, but for another product. All of which I will reveal at a later date.

Today I wrote over a 1,000 word article for the paper this week! I am so excited about this issue. Things have really picked up 10 fold since the Journal re-hired its staff. It looks 100% better, readership is way up, and our team is really working hard. Students are getting involved too. Tonight, I have to write a small e-mail note to give to each President of each business society (AISEC, Commerce, ACE, Marketing, Accounting). This note is intended to recruit business writers, which will be sent to the members of each society via their newsletters. Collectively, those 5 societies have hundreds of members, so I should get a decent response.

I have yet to touch the Scribe website, as I have been writing all day. I still have to edit all of the articles by my contributors (I have three people writing for me this week!). The deadline for submitting our final edited sections is tomorrow at noon. This is a big adjustment for us, since Monday at noon used to be the deadline for article submissions, and the editing process would begin then. But one of the main goals for The Journal this year was to finish the entire paper before 11:00 pm Monday night (or so). I love hanging out with everyone on Monday's at The Journal, but it can get rediculous.

I'll spend tonight editing the articles, and working on the website. It's a very strange feeling, working on this website, because I feel like this is it - I can't screw it up. I find this feeling of trepidation causes me to avoid it. I want to make it perfect, so I hate to say it, but it is intimidating. With that said, I know that procrastination will not make it any easier - so I am biting the bullet and starting it.

I'll spend my train ride back to Halifax tomorrow reading Pride and Prejudice. Oh! I took some pictures of my train ride into Moncton yesterday. I'll post them when I get back.

Keep Bizzy!

"Procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow"
Gerald Vaughan
"Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday"
Author Unknown
"A year from now you may wish you had started today"
Karen Lamb
Title quote by Victor Kiam


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