A Father - Daughter Research Paper
I was put on the spot in my Family Business class today. It took me off-guard completely. Last week we had to hand in an outline for the main project of the course: either a research paper on a family business issue, or a real-life family business case. Naturally, I chose the research paper - not only because I love writing, but because I genuinely wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to find out more about the topic I am researching:
A Father - Daughter Business:
Street Smarts vs. Book Smarts
Why It Works
Another student in the class (Andrew maybe?) and I were both singled out for a few minutes to talk about our positions in our respective family businesses. He said that he is not currently involved in the family business because his father wants him to gain outside experience for a few years before entering (a very common requirement). I had a different story. As you all know by now, I work along-side my dad, and have since I was 18 (whether working directly for him or for a business counterpart).
Just to give you all an idea of some of the theories we are working with in this class, below is the Three Circle Model of Family Business. Right now I am #6.
And this is the Family Business Coursepack which this picture was taken (it's thick!):
Regardless of whether choosing a paper or case, everyone has to interview a founder of a family business. My professor encourages us to interview a family member (should they own a business). I am interviewing my dad. We'll see how that goes. The interview is due next Friday and is worth 25% of our grade!
This Family Business course is almost like therapy for me. I am finding out more about the commonalities of family businesses - the issues and dynamics that occur within them. It's nice to know that other people have gone (and are going through) similar situations as my family and I.
Keep Bizzy!
"It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family"
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