MissBiz Column Lives On!
I got my position back at The Journal - I'm hired! Apparently there were two guys applying for Business Editor as well. There is some undeniable drama going on within The Journal office, but I will not be getting involved in anything. I prefer to take neutral ground unless I need to take a stand. So for now - Yay! I got my job back!
There will be a meeting tomorrow in The Journal office at noon. Currently, we only have 2 computers from 1998 that barely function, and our office space is not very welcoming. However, there are amazing changes in store for us. In a week or so, we will have all new computers in every Editor office, new printers, and a new digital camera. Even better - every sectional Editor will have a budget, meaning, we can pay for our writers to go on location to do reviews, get into special events, etc. Personally, I want to set the Business Section up with a Halifax Chamber of Commerce membership. There are so many great networking events to canoodle with local entrepreneurs. Being a member also means we recieve complimentary subscriptions to several business magazines, like Progress. This will be a great step in the development of the Business Section at The Journal, and is a priority on my agenda.
This is going to be the best year for The Journal ever. I want to ensure that The Journal becomes recognized on a National level, and that our weekly output is of the highest quality.
There will be a meeting tomorrow in The Journal office at noon. Currently, we only have 2 computers from 1998 that barely function, and our office space is not very welcoming. However, there are amazing changes in store for us. In a week or so, we will have all new computers in every Editor office, new printers, and a new digital camera. Even better - every sectional Editor will have a budget, meaning, we can pay for our writers to go on location to do reviews, get into special events, etc. Personally, I want to set the Business Section up with a Halifax Chamber of Commerce membership. There are so many great networking events to canoodle with local entrepreneurs. Being a member also means we recieve complimentary subscriptions to several business magazines, like Progress. This will be a great step in the development of the Business Section at The Journal, and is a priority on my agenda.
This is going to be the best year for The Journal ever. I want to ensure that The Journal becomes recognized on a National level, and that our weekly output is of the highest quality.
We have the capability to become the most recognized Canadian campus newspaper.
And we will.
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I came across these links which I wanted to docuement for future reference:
- When Kids Play The Guilt Card article in BusinessWeek. This may be of use in Family Business later on. And if not, it's still interesting.
- 26 Most Fascinating Entrepreneurs: Richard Branson article from Inc.com. I just wrote an article on Branson's commitment of donating $4 Billion from his transport businesses to the fight against global warming. He's an interesting character.
- Ladies Who Launch website network for women entrepreneurs. I like this idea of women focused entrepreneurial networks.
Keep Bizzy!
"I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn't really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going.”
Richard Branson
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