The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Friday, September 15, 2006

No Rest For The Wicked

I've been pressed for time for the last couple of days which explains the lack of posting (albeit - I have posted at least one thing everyday... but for me, that seems sparse).

Anyway, where should I begin? Okay...

I interviewed a fellow student entrepreneur yesterday evening. I will be writing up an article about him and his business this weekend for my MissBiz column this coming week. The interview itself was only about 40 minutes, so it was very streamlined and to the point. I will be posting the article this Thursday.

After the interview, I was up until about 2 am last night working on:
  1. a one page "thought paper" for my Family Business course discussing, "What Exactly Is A Family Business?". It was actually interesting to write since the topic is so multi-dimensional and it requires a decent amount of thought. I wrote that for about 2 hours, from 10 pm - 12 am.
  2. editing the PDF file of the packaging for "the golf product" that I am the Marketing Director for. Among other things, I am responsible for all of the packaging text, and there were a few final gramatical errors that had to be addressed. That took me from about 12 am - 1:30 am. This had to be completed last night so the marketing company could recieve the corrections by this morning, make the changes, and then have the packaging printed out for my dad to approve by the afternoon (my dad owns "the golf product" company).

As for today...

After my Family Business class this afternoon, I went for a walk to Spring Garden Rd. I stopped in this little boutique called, "Dressed In Time". It's essentially a second hand store that markets its clothing as "vintage", "hip", and "almost new". I personally didn't find anything, but I must say that they did have some really great cowboy boots. I'm serious.

Since I've been home for the night I've been working on some stuff for "the golf product". My dad sent me a script for a commercial. He needed me to edit it, but after talking to him for about an hour, we decided we did not need the script at all. We are now working on making the "brochure website" for the product (again, wish I could say the URL at this point, but I can't for a couple more weeks). The "brochure site" is kind of like a "beta" site where it's primarily for initial business contacts, and is not intended for final customers. I have to write the text for the website by next week, but that's nothing compared to the project I have in store for this weekend...

I need to write a completely new business plan for "the golf product" by Monday. (Are you getting the hint to why I started my own professional writing & editing business? It's all I do!) Due to major time restrictions, it will be only 6-7 pages, plus a financial spreadsheet. I'll have to extract the nitty gritty financial information from my dad tomorrow.

Clearly, I haven't had enough time in the past few days to meet with "S.Pace" about the Scribe Professional Writing & Editing Solutions website and other materials I need for the business. Sometime this week for sure.

That pretty much brings you up to date!

Keep Bizzy!

Did you know?
Did you know that the nickname "MissBiz" came from my dad? Ever since I could walk he called me "MissBiz" because I was always hyper and seriously into something - painting, colouring, drawing, dancing, climbing into stuff, and jumping around. When I began writing for The Journal I couldn't think of an appropriate name for my business column, and then a memory of my dad calling me "MissBiz" (when I was 4 years old) popped into my mind. It just made sense.


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