The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Historic Properties Pictures!

As promised, here is a sample of pictures from my trip to Historic Properties in Halifax last Tuesday. This trip started out as a project for my Retail Management class, but I figured that I may as well capture some memorable pictures along the way.

I have many more interesting pictures on my Flickr account. Check out the whole set here. Click on the thumbnails below to view a larger image.

MissBiz - We sell EW beds
This is where my journey began. Speaking about advertising disasters...

MissBiz - PortMissBiz - Waterfront 9
MissBiz - Waterfront 5MissBiz - Theodore Tugboat
Pretty pictures of the Halifax Harbour.

MissBiz - Acadia Tallship
I love tall ships.

MissBiz - Mermaid WoodMissBiz - Student Loan
This student is a true artisan; she is carving a beautiful mermaid from wood. Check out the tin can on her table... Oh the joys of being a student.

MissBiz - Double DeckerMissBiz - Cafe Chianti
Who says Halifax isn't charming?

MissBiz - Icecream time
I scream, you scream!

MissBiz - Hilltribe 2
I purchased these handmade rings at Hilltribe. I am giving (most of) them away to freinds.

"In the middle ages people were tourists because of their religion, whereas now they are tourists because tourism is their religion"
Robert Runcie


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