The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Training and the like

It’s unbelievable how fast time goes by. Christmas was a month ago? There has to be a way to slow it down.

For right now though, there will be no slowing down. I remain very busy at work. On Monday I’m on my way to Mississauga for Sales Fundamentals II training until Friday. I’ve been to Mississauga a few times already for training and I always stay at the same hotel, which is really nice because it makes it more comfortable to travel after a while – you know what to expect. In fact, at the hotel restaurant there is a middle aged server who enjoys talking to me about work and travel and his experiences with people at the hotel everytime I sit down. I don’t know his name, but I’m sure he knows mine. It’s a nice change of scenery going to Ontario every so often. And because I’m alone, there’s lots of time for reflection.

I actually have a few updates. I finally learned to knit!! I’ve literally been waiting for a year to learn how to knit. I regularly go to the Farmers Market and the craftsmanship is so inspiring. I took a class at The Loop in downtown Halifax and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn to knit and purl. Just to be safe I’ll be working on a few practice pieces and then I’ll be starting on a scarf. On the topic of crafts, I also bought 6 cheap wine glasses and fine-tipped paints to decorate them with. I’ll post a picture of those as well when they’re finally finished. I have a few more projects in the works as well.

I haven’t had a day planner pretty much since university and it has definitely been affecting my productivity as a human being. That might sound really sad, but it’s absolutely true. I need checklists. I need deadlines written down for everything. I like having that self induced pressure – I get things done that way. Every day I’ll write 5 things I need or want to get done on a past-it note, but its effectiveness is useless when it always inevitably slides to the bottom of my purse. The only thing that should be on my post-it is to get a freaking day planner!


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