The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Picking up Speed!

I could be alone on this one – but is it just me or does having a career that you really love, doing something that you want to be doing, allow you to focus more on other un-relating interests you may have? It just seems like there would be less time to focus on other things. I found that while I was in University, all of my spare time was focused on being involved in business-type activities. Now that I devote most of my days to my job, I’m enjoying the fact that my spare time allows me to work on other things I always would have liked to work on, but just couldn’t. I guess it’s due to the satisfaction I am getting out of my job – I feel like I’m fulfilling some of my personal goals simply by doing my job that I’m paid to do - which is such a satisfying thing to say.

For example, I’ve been seriously tossing the idea around to get involved in a charitable marathon this summer – on my personal time. This is just an example of something that has always been on my “list to do’s” but was back-burnered due to time constraints and other priorities. I’m totally ecstatic right now though because today I inquired to my boss about getting involved in a charity walk this summer, and little did I know that we already sponsor an organization, the MS Society, and their summer walk! He gave me the go-ahead to work on it with our operations team (who have taken the lead on it in previous years). So, I’ve actually consolidated a personal goal with what is now a professional goal and activity. Even though I have my own selfish reasons for being excited about this, even if I wasn’t personally interested in it, this is just another great promotional and community-oriented event to work and build on for Purolator that I didn’t know existed... exciting stuff!! It’s this kind of community participation (and not to mention the encouragement from my boss to give me the chance to work on this project) that contributes to recognitions like this.

So far I have a few special projects lined up at Purolator. These projects, in conjunction with my FISP role and the ability to go on the road to see customers is just great - especially in recent months.

Last week was very interesting for me - and really, really busy! On top of several other tasks,I took the lead on inviting several of our bigger contract clients to the box seat at the Saturday night Mooseheads game. This provided me with the opportunity to shake hands with many of them as not only did I make the calls reserving the tickets, but I hand delivered them around Dartmouth and Halifax on Friday. I loved it! I love being busy like that and having deadlines. And of course I attended myself – Puro events are always a fun time.

Okay, enough about work…

Tomorrow, I’m going to The Loop after work to pick up some yarn and new needles. I’m not quite sure what kind of yarn I want yet, but this is the scarf that I’m attempting to make. I’m still a beginner, so this will be a challenge for me, but it’s a start. Those needles look ridiculously big though, don’t they? They’re like trees or something.

I have a few other things I’m working on that I have to do some research for, soI will update soon. Promise!


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