The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Death = A Fun Business Opportunity?

I just came back from the Journal office at 10:30 pm. I had quite the experience tonight...

I've had my drivers license for 5 years, but haven't been much of a driver. I really haven't had much opportunity or need to drive, as I live on campus in Halifax, and when I go home in the summer, I work for the family business, so I work in the home office. Anyway, I haven't driven for four months, and I have never driven in Halifax before. Every Friday the Journal staff gets pitas from the Pita Pit. The only person on our team with a car had too much editing to do, so guess who got stuck driving to pick up the food? That's right - me. In the rain, in the dark, on unknown, glaring roads. Well, at least I'm still alive and we got the pitas, so everyone was happy. Only my pita was terribly wrong. What the heck was that sauce?

Speaking about life and death, I cruised around on and came across something quite humorous. "Six Businesses of Death" may sound gory to you, but in actuality, they are surprisingly creative! It lists and describes six businesses that are based on death and the afterlife. One that I found extremely innovative was titled, "Diamonds are forever, and ever" with the corresponding business being Jewelry made from the carbon of the deceased? How novel! How enchanting! How peculiar! I love it. These are the kinds of businesses that motivate me. If these oddball ideas can be successful (they're making millions), then any creative business idea has the same potential (or some potential), if executed right. It's all about creativity and niche markets.

Just some updates - the PGA booth is being booked, which means that I will be working furiously on organizing the appearance of the booth. I only have 2 months - most people have these planned out a year ahead of time. I can do it though - I will, I will!

Also, the Scribe website is looking fab. Yes, fab! Okay, I'm biased. Granted, it is kind of feminine, but there's nothing wrong with that. I see it even working to my advantage. As long as it looks good, is informative and easy to understand, and has integrity, which it does, is all that matters.

Keep Bizzy!

"Little is known of Sierra Leone and how they connect to the diamonds we own"
Kanye West


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