The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Halifax Retro

Hey everyone!!! Long time no write!

I've been recieving some feedback during my MissBiz hiatus through your comments on this blog, and many of them are generally in regards to my lack of writing over the past few months. Before this goes any further, I just wanted to let everyone know that I've started a new venture which I've referred to in my last few posts - Halifax Retro! It started as a printed publication that was distrubuted around Halifax, until we realized that it was costing us more than we anticipated - not just funding wise, but also environmentally (it's an indie publication dedicated to investigating and learning about how we are impacting the environment, and ways we can improve our ways of living with less of a footprint).

This project is where most of my energy can be found these days, and I should have updated you all sooner. It's still quite raw compared to what we envision for it - we are experimenting with layouts, design, but most of all, we are trying to get our content established. We think of it as more of a co-op effort between us, and whoever wished to contrubute - all are welcome to submit articles or commentary for any of the section we have!

Check out the site at

Any feedback can be sent to

The website has a myriad of sections - DIY, Localvore, Zen Garden, Everything Retro, etc. Including features of the Halifax Farmers' Market. I'll update on here every now and then about the business aspects of this project - it's so fun and fulfilling! We are hoping to soon refine the website a little more and will then be approaching local and environemntally concious business to help fund and support it. The page views are already in the upper hundreds per month - I'm not quite sure how, but it's AWESOME!

And just to let you all know - in May 2009 please revisit here for an EXTREMELY exciting announcement I'll be making!!

Keep Bizzy!!


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