The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Excitement and Possibilities Everywhere!!!


My dad, the inventor of the TeeBoxx Portable Driving Range, held a media conference for the launch of his product today in Moncton, New Brunswick. Me, being in Halifax, was super shocked and excited to see a feature of TeeBoxx and a clip of my dad, Louis Arsenault, speaking to the press about the product on Live at 5!

He went through the ringer today with interviews for stations such as CBC Radio, and others. It was so cool to see how far the product, and my dad, have come from the original home-made prototype he pulled together several years ago! I worked for TeeBoxx for two years during my University life, as documented in this very blog actually; attending trade shows and working on the marketing and business plan. It proved to be one of the most satisfying and beneficial experiences of my life to date. And apparently, it's just getting started!! I couldn't be more excited or more proud!

With that said, in all of it's amazing glory, I've been extremely busy with work at Purolator, as the Courier Sales Lead Program will officially begin to roll-out across Atlantic Canada next week! I'm working with a creative printing company right now to turn the powerpoint presentation for the couriers, which I so lovingly made last night, into a poster that will remain at every Altantic depot. It's getting more exciting every day! It's great that I can incorporate some creative activity in my job.

On top of that, I'm still working on getting this publication up and running. The business, marketing, and financial plans are pretty much complete, but the focus right now is to recruit a layout artist to help with In Design. I am working on writing up ad contracts and getting business cards so we can start securing some advertising and funding. It's unfortunate that so many business bureaus are only open 9-5. It's really tough working a full-time job and trying to get, fill-out, and drop off paper work to these places. Thankfully a lot of it can be done online, such as registering a business name, which is what I am looking into tonight. We've been debating the possibility of hiring a freelance ad salesperson to go out and claim and retain advertising for the publication, in return for a significant cut of the revenue. It would be worth it on many levels, but seeing as we need every penny we can get, it might not be possible right now.

In other recent news, I will be once again going to Ingonish in Cape Breton for the July 1st weekend!!! It's become a tradition of sorts, but I am itching to get there, be in nature, set off some fireworks, go for hiking adventures, and to possibly even do a little creative writing. It'll be great to escape for a bit.

Keep Bizzy!!


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