The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Starting a New Chapter

Why, hello there!

It’s been forever and a day since I last wrote, but I guess I was just waiting for the right moment to make my comeback. I have news – BIG news, that I really need to get off my chest...!

I’ve taken a job offer in New Brunswick! Not just any job offer though, but pretty much a position that’s been my goal since I can remember. And the best part is, is that it’s not really a static “position” at all. I’ll be working for a recent start-up Software Solutions company, doing Business Development and Marketing. But really, I’m helping the CEO and Founder build the entire company. Seeing as I grew up in a family business and double majored in Small Business and Marketing in University, and have been heavily entrenched in the SMB world since my career began at Purolator – I could not be more ecstatic! It’s everything I’ve worked for up until this point.

And this could not be a more perfect example of how networking, and working hard at the things you love, pays off.

While I was in University, myself and 3 other guys tried to start a tech company in our spare time. We worked on it for about a year or so, until we had to chalk the whole affair up to a great experience, as it failed to go where we wanted it to. We met so many great business people in that time, presented our plan to various companies and committees, and wrote an extensive business plan for it. After that we kind of all went our separate ways after graduating. I went to Purolator and did sales for 2 years, 10 months (today is actually my first day not employed at Purolator) and one of the guys, Todd, went on to do his MBA after working in management for 2 years. As part of his MBA, he decided to take an opportunity to start a company. It’s been about a year since he started, and he’s kept in touch with me very sporadically over the past 4-5 years since University. A couple of months ago, he wanted to talk to me about what he was up to, and I really just wanted to find out more about what he was doing. Those first few conversations turned into him offering me a position to come help him run the business, under the title Vice President of Business Development and Marketing.

It happened very, very quickly. It was one of those opportunities where if I hesitated for any anount of time, the ship would sail. And I knew in my heart that I simply could not say no. I knew that even if for some reason it bottomed out, it would be the experience of a lifetime, and something else would probably sprout from it. I had about four weeks to say yes, find an apartment, and get things sorted out. Whew.

Even though this should feel like Cloud 9, it wouldn’t be life if there wasn’t a flip side to it, unfortunately. I have to move away from my boyfriend, for at least a little while. He has plans to join the Coast Guard this year as he just wrote the entrance exam. Oddly enough, he decided he wanted to join the Coast Guard before I was even offered this job, and at the time, I was really sad that he’d have to go away for 4 years. But now I’m the one who’s leaving first. Weird how things work out like that sometimes. After backpacking Europe this past summer together, we have plans to own a hobby farm someday *knock on wood* hopefully within the next 6 years or so. Even though I’m sad that we’ll be apart for however long, I’m also happy that we both get to do what we want before really settling down. Not many people get that chance to grow independently when you’re in a relationship. And hopefully it makes us stronger. It’s corny, but no matter where I am, he always feels close. He’s my best friend, and I couldn’t ask for someone more supportive of me.

So right now I’m just packing up my things, listening to some Sigur Ros , Fleet Foxes, Band of Horses, and Radiohead. It’s bittersweet really.


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