The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Friday, October 16, 2009


It's easy to have proper, or at least, a less cloudy perspective when looking from the outside, in. This kind of makes me question our own society, and the censors we're all subjected to, but choose to deny and carry on ignorantly. I mean, the guy owns, or co-owns a number of trusted media agents in Italy, of course he's going to be presented in a certain light. However, this CBC story itself might be propoganda that is deflecting something going on right now in our own country - pointing fingers at others while I subconsciously cling tighter to a manufacture ideal here at home?

... or I might just have to stop watching so many conspiracy documentaries.

Keep Bizzy.


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