The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Village of the Damned, p. II

For several years now, Alex Jones has reported on every kind of political conspiracy you can imagine – opening our minds up to doubt about “the system” that we believe we have the power to control – the government. In this economic whirlwind of secrets, lies, promises, and inflated hopes, the collective unconscious may have already identified a future for which we consciously want to deny. The seeds of doubt we are all starting to experience as the world changes right under our noses, may not be a coincidence.

In 2006, Steve Watson & Alex Jones trumpeted this as being a rational probability in how the world is slowly, but surely, being manipulated.

Today I stumbled upon this on the Globe & Mail website. It’s like watching a twisted adaptation of the Village of the Damned unravel before our very eyes – the only difference is that both sides are behind the scenes, playing the puppeteers.

Forgive me for my over-analytics. But when the system we stand on feels more and more like a horrific funhouse, complete with distorted mirrors and clowns around every corner, it’s hard to not think the worst. Not that there’s anything anyone can do about it. In reality we’re already strapped inside the space shuttle and on the brink of atmospheric penetration – in other words, it’s already been done - we’re just watching it unwind.

However, there’s definitely comfort in heightening the senses of all the possibilities out there, regardless of how scary it seems. It just goes to show that even though we must abide by “the system” in some capacity, we still have some freedoms to choose how we interpret the world, how we utilize our knowledge, and how we protest in our own ways. It seems like the more we progress in time, the more we need to recess into our ways of living – less TV and more action. Less chemicals and more organics. Less fear and more freedom.

Naivety may be bliss, but knowledge is power.

Keep Bizzy

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
~John Lennon~

Saturday, March 28, 2009


{{What’s that feeling called when you pull old treasures that you haven’t looked at in years, off of your bookshelf, and remember how you use to feel when you held them (with a smile)?}}

I’m packing up the apartment. I’ll explain later.

~Keepin' Bizzy~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brave New iPhone

Okay, I don't know what it is... maybe I'm old fashioned, but have you checked out the new iPhone lately? I was laying in bed one night with my TV on, and a commercial came on that was featuring the iPhone's newest application called "Shazam". Apparently you can hold up your phone to a song, and the iPhone can tell you which song it is, on which album, complete with album picture, etc.

I nearly had a panick attack. I know it's a little strange - being in buisness and a recent graduate you'd think I'd be all for the newest technologies that completely blow your mind. Not in this case. It really got my wheels turning...

It just oh so Big Brother, isn't it? You can't even walk around somewhere without your little handy dandy device knowing what sounds are going on around you. It makes you wonder when we'll be able to capture things on camera and have our little iPhone's tell us exactly what we're looking at. All hearing, all seeing, all knowing.

It's just getting a little overhwhelming. I mean, sure a GPS is great to have when you have no idea where you're going. But do we ever consider the capabilities that these devices are creating for companies and governments that would pay big bucks to know exactly where we are going, what we are doing, what we are seeing, listening to, and paying for? It's happening right now, and we naievely believe it's empowering - we feel that in our little world, we have the world at our fingertips, our employees on a leash ("if they have a Blackberry, they have NO excuse!") but really, it's the companies who produce these technologies that are really benefiting. We carry around these sensors all day, everyday - blindly accepting that we are their research subjects for whichever product or idea they come up with next.

The disheartnening thing about this reality, is the obsolescence of it all, and the irrelevence of your capabilities if you are without the latest and greatest equipment. If I show up in a boardmeeting without an iPhone and Blackberry, and everyone else has one, it automatically makes me less relevant as a business person - clearly behind in the times, and most likely my thinking and ideas as well. So, the pressure that obsolescence creates to achieve social status is enough to make even the strongest protestors adjust to our inevitable fate.

I'm just saying. There's a line, and it's up to us to know where it is.

Keep Bizzy!!
"Till at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too-all his life long. The mind that judges and desire and decides-made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions... Suggestions from the State."
- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Ch. 2