The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Making Progress

Needless to say, my vacation flew by in a blink. I spent most of the days working on the business plan for the Halifax publication, and I'm excited to say that it's pretty much finished! In total, it's approximately 30 pages, including indeces. A problem I've run into the past, and have tried to avoid as much as possible, was the lengthiness of a business plan. It's true that getting everything out on paper is motivating and gives more direction than what otherwise would be flittering ideas bouncing through your brain. However, a clean-cut and to-the-point b-plan, with little embelishment, but rich in research, is the way to go. I've written 160 page business plans before, which took an entire summer to complete, but do you think anyone would actually sit down and read it? Doubtful. I had to learn that the hard way. When it comes to business plans, short, researched, and unique is the way to go.

Meanwhile, I'm currently working on a press kit for a golf product that is set to have a conference here in Atlantic Canada, and then in Toronto, within the next few months. I'm in deseprate need of recent golf statistics and articles, but I'm having such diffuculty finding anything useful. Is it just me, or is there a total lack of recent studies in golf for public use? Beyond 2006 leaves a complete void of any industry indications and market percentages of one of the most high profile and lucrative sports in the world! I understand that from the increase in golf participation and the increase in golf related products that market research would be more in demand, and therefore, sellable, but I'm not even finding any articles with references. How frustrating!

I'll be in Digby this weekend for a golf tournament put on by Purolator in conjunction with Progress Magazine ( Progress's highest profiled companies attend, along with Purolator's clients. This will be my second year attending, and I'm hoping it will be as much, if not more fun, than last year. It's always great seeing local business role-models and heros let loose and have fun - some much more than others! For me, last year consisted of hosting the putting contest on the day of the golf tournament where donations were collected for Feed Nova Scotia and Tackle Hunger - it also consisted of driving, (*ahem*) racing, around in the golf cart and just having a total blast. The Marketing and Events Coordinator for Progress Magazine arranges the entire thing, and I've told her time and time again, she literally has my dream job - doing promotions and marketing for a small business publication!! Oh how I miss The Journal days. I'm hoping to somewhat get back to those days with my new project endevours. It's not a big deal or anything... it's just my freaking dreams were talking about here! Here's hoping it all works out...

*I'm knocking on my head, pretending it's wood*

Keep Bizzy!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Back to my roots!

I'm extremely excited today - not just because it's Friday, but because next week is the first time I've had a weeks vacation since working at Purolator last year (except for Christmas)!

My due date for the business plan for this publication is Friday, May 23rd. Come hell or high water I will get it finished, and hopefully even a little earlier so I can have some time to do extra research. I'll be making my way to the library on Sunday to do some industry and market research through the plethora of databases our local libraries offer. We just recently created a Facebook group for the publication, which some close friends have joined. I have not revealed the publications' name in my blog as of yet, and that's only because I still need to officially register the name. Regardless, we reserved the website domain and are currently working on a preliminary website.

I have big plans and goals for this dearly needed weeks vacation... I need to work on my list of things to do. I'm actually at work right now and I have a million things to do before I leave, but I'm excited to get back into my own groove for the next week! Business plans, writing, and Farmers' Market, oh my! Should be a great week :)

Keep Bizzy!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Just a quick update! My world has been slighttly tied up in a few different areas.

First, I am trying to work out a feasible system in my job, as it has lacked a certain structure since the beginning. Not that it's a bad thing, but I have been working outside of the office at home and on weekends lately to try and make my work days flow a little easier, and so I can meet the targets in all areas. Right now I am working on the Courier Sales Lead Program and putting together a "Process Sheet" for our Account Executives and Management so they are all on the same page with, of course, the process! With that, I am working on a roll-out process which will take place in about a month or so, in which the Courier Sales Lead Program is incrementally rolled out across Atlantic Canada. Currently, it is just in Halifax as we still have to work out the kinks before going full-force with it.

Second, my brain and spare time have been wraped up in this publication I have been working on. I've been faced with an increased amount of stress lately, as we are trying to find a new place to live and work in the next month or so, on top of trying to get the publication off the ground. It is still in the very preliminary stages, but nonetheless, it all has to work.

Keep Bizzy!!!