The Ventures of MissBiz

This is a journal of my personal ventures in business, as a business student, and as a student in life. This is a blog for me, but if you'd like to follow along - you might be in for a wicked ride!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Paid For Blogging - A Damaging Proposition

The Bloggers Blog reports that some Universities are paying students to blog about University life.

I'm not sure that I'm a fan of this. Sure, I blog about my classes and The Journal, but if SMU paid me to do this then it would inevitably obscure reality and be misleading for future students. And even if the blogger was being genuine in their depictions - if readers ever found out that the student was being paid, then this would be a huge credability blow to the school.

As you can see in my sidebar, I read the Prettier Than Napoleon blog. This particular blogger, Amber, is a graduate of Harvard Law School. I read her bog while she was attending, and still keep tabs on it. If she was getting paid for blogging, it would hold absolutely no value to me. It would be pre-meditated, unoriginal, and biased (or at least percieved to be). In a broader sense, I would be questioning the values of Harvard as an institution and most likely resent them for being deceitful.

This doesn't just apply to educational institutions. If a corporation had an astroturfing-like blog (what does astroturf mean?) and readers found out the truth - this could be hugely damaging.

However, it's no secret that company blogging is a huge trend these days. I'm all for blogging for an organization if the blogger is honest about their relationship with the company/institution. These blogs can provide insight into the company's goals, progress, and day-to-day events. They can also serve as a medium to get customers involved and excited about the company offerings and opportunities. The BusinessWeek blog is a great example of this.

In fact, most of the blogs listed in My Blog Fellowship are by people who own their own businesses. I cannot speak on their behalf, but to me, having a blog is more about forcing yourself to remain active and up-to-date on the newest and latest than it is to attract clients. It's about staying abreast of industry develpments, new services, and trends.

Owning a professional writing and editing company, my blog also allows me to freely exercise my writing skills.

It's always interesting to track a blog throughout the business development phase. If the company becomes famous, you have the satisfaction of possibly knowing the successful strategies that the company executed in the start-up phase. I came across A Thought Over Coffee last summer, when Jason Duncan, the blog author, was just in the start-up phases of his fair-trade cafe enterprise - Cafe Evoke. Even though I have no aspiration of owning a coffee shop, there is a parrallel of ambition and drive that I see in his blog. It's motivating. I hope that my blog serves the same purpose to someone someday.

Keep Bizzy!

"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful"
Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


Things to do this weekend:

  • Finish reading Foe and write 1 pager
  • Finsh reading Fam. Bus. chapters
  • Write Miss Biz article
  • Layout Scribe website
  • Outline Interview for Fam. Bus.

Things to do today:

  • Write Miss Biz article
  • Finish reading Fam. Bus. Chapters
  • Go to mall (T,S,N)
  • E-mail HK Factory
  • Scribe website (if possible)

Keep Bizzy!


Song of the day:

"White Houses" by Vanessa Carlton

Friday, September 29, 2006

A Father - Daughter Research Paper

I was put on the spot in my Family Business class today. It took me off-guard completely. Last week we had to hand in an outline for the main project of the course: either a research paper on a family business issue, or a real-life family business case. Naturally, I chose the research paper - not only because I love writing, but because I genuinely wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to find out more about the topic I am researching:

A Father - Daughter Business:
Street Smarts vs. Book Smarts
Why It Works

Another student in the class (Andrew maybe?) and I were both singled out for a few minutes to talk about our positions in our respective family businesses. He said that he is not currently involved in the family business because his father wants him to gain outside experience for a few years before entering (a very common requirement). I had a different story. As you all know by now, I work along-side my dad, and have since I was 18 (whether working directly for him or for a business counterpart).

Just to give you all an idea of some of the theories we are working with in this class, below is the Three Circle Model of Family Business. Right now I am #6.

Family Business Model

And this is the Family Business Coursepack which this picture was taken (it's thick!):

Family Business Coursepack

Regardless of whether choosing a paper or case, everyone has to interview a founder of a family business. My professor encourages us to interview a family member (should they own a business). I am interviewing my dad. We'll see how that goes. The interview is due next Friday and is worth 25% of our grade!

This Family Business course is almost like therapy for me. I am finding out more about the commonalities of family businesses - the issues and dynamics that occur within them. It's nice to know that other people have gone (and are going through) similar situations as my family and I.

Keep Bizzy!
"It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family"

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Parlez-Vous Francais?

My parents came to visit me today from New Brunswick. We went to the Waterfront Market to eat, and then we walked around the downtown shops for a while.

A gigantic cruise-ship was docked in town today. When my mom, dad, and I sat down at Timothy's for coffee, a woman initiated conversation with us. She was a retired teacher from Florida who was visiting Halifax, Cape Breton, and PEI. She was very talkative, and probably one of the most pleasant women I've ever met. Among her multitude of compliments and political observations, she gave me a peice of advice that really got me thinking. She said, "Now, this is the teacher in me speaking, and I am never going to see you again, so please let me tell you something: learn French. Being multi-lingual will take you to so many places".

Funny enough, about a month ago I bought Instant Immersion French, with 8 in-depth audio CD's. I also bought The Rough Guide Phrasebook: French.

I've always wanted to be fluent in French, and I am trying to figure out the most effective way to do it. Preferably, I'd like to be plunked into an all-French town in Quebec, or better yet, Paris. That way I would have to learn it.

I figure - you meet certain people in life for a reason. Maybe she has a point.

Keep Bizzy!

"A single conversation with a wise [wo]man is better than ten years of study"
Chinese Proverb

Venus Envy Inspiration

My Internet connection was down all yesterday, so therefore, I couldn't post. I was frustrated about it too because in doing my "Observation Assignment" for Retail Management, I came across an unexpected and potentially interesting MissBiz article that I want to write about in the next paper.

For the retail project, I had a list of required shops to visit in downtown Halifax, in order to get a "feel" for the ambiance and shopping experience. I chose to go into Venus Envy; a gay and lesbian bookstore/ sex-toy store. Several of my friends have visited this store before, but I had never been into a store of this type in my life. There were many books about feminism, motherhood, and even gay family books for children. A table filled with massage oils and other little trinkets was in the middle of the store. Something that immediately caught my attention was the display of "alternative" menstrual devices - all of which were either organic, reususable, or both. Personally, I've been been thinking about the harmful environmental affects of pad and tampon disposal, and have been searching for alternatives myself.

So, voila:

Celebrate Your Monthly Menses Celebrate Your Monthly Menses (Back)

This is a front and back view of a 100% cotton and 100% re-usable pad. Yes, it is basically a glorified facecloth with a clasp. But apparently it absorbs really well and doesn't stain when washed in cold water. I think I'd scald it too - for hygenic reasons.
"Pretty, Breathable, and Reusable Menstrual Pad. 100% Cotton. Celebrate Your Monthly Menses"

The reason why I think this would make a good MissBiz column is because alternative menstrual devices, such as the increasingly popular Diva Cup, and products like GladRags are gaining awareness as the environment is now an ever-demanding global issue. Also, think of the money a woman would save over a lifetime! Not to mention that pads and tampons have been linked to certain types of cancers (or are rumored to be - which is arguably just as cripling when it comes to sales).

Yep, I think this will be an interesting assignment for myself.

I have the VP Finance of SMUSA and the President of the SMU Marketing Society writing articles for me this week. So far, the business section this week is going smoothly!

Keep Bizzy!

"History is Herstory too"
Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Practice Makes Me

I spent the better part of today in The Journal office. We had a guest speaker, Jim Lederman, who is a worldly journalist that focuses on governmental strife in the Middle East (Israel-Palestine conflicts). While presenting, he used his professional experiences to explain the realities and hardships of being a modern journalist. It was very informative, and a great way to kick off the year with the new Journal staff.

After the guest speaker left, several of us hung out and decided to clean out some of the rooms in the office. We were discussing the new office supplies and equipment we are purchasing. I am so excited! A new computer just for me! ... or the Business Section I should say... no need to get technical!

Some of the staff couldn't make it today so we are having another meeting on Thursday. I have a ton of work to do, seeing as the Business Section is doubling in size! I am scrambling to recruit writers at the moment.


I am going downtown tomorrow on yet another Retail Management excursion! I'll bring my camera just in case, but I think I captured the essence of what downtown Halifax is all about on my last trip. I will probably see a ton of interesting things, so you never know. And it would be just my luck to not bring my camera and then run into Elvis Presley or something....

"The golf product" business plan is finished! I'm happy about it, even though my dad is now saying he might not need it after all! It was good practive though. His plans are changing everyday, and since we live in different provinces, there is a communication barrier that prevents me from knowing his next steps in the business. I feel major adjustments coming on.

Now if I can just concentrate on my Scribe Solutions business plan - I'd be set!

Keep Bizzy!

"Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best"

Monday, September 25, 2006

MissBiz Column Lives On!

I got my position back at The Journal - I'm hired! Apparently there were two guys applying for Business Editor as well. There is some undeniable drama going on within The Journal office, but I will not be getting involved in anything. I prefer to take neutral ground unless I need to take a stand. So for now - Yay! I got my job back!

There will be a meeting tomorrow in The Journal office at noon. Currently, we only have 2 computers from 1998 that barely function, and our office space is not very welcoming. However, there are amazing changes in store for us. In a week or so, we will have all new computers in every Editor office, new printers, and a new digital camera. Even better - every sectional Editor will have a budget, meaning, we can pay for our writers to go on location to do reviews, get into special events, etc. Personally, I want to set the Business Section up with a Halifax Chamber of Commerce membership. There are so many great networking events to canoodle with local entrepreneurs. Being a member also means we recieve complimentary subscriptions to several business magazines, like Progress. This will be a great step in the development of the Business Section at The Journal, and is a priority on my agenda.

This is going to be the best year for The Journal ever. I want to ensure that The Journal becomes recognized on a National level, and that our weekly output is of the highest quality.

We have the capability to become the most recognized Canadian campus newspaper.
And we will.

------ ------- -------

I came across these links which I wanted to docuement for future reference:

  • When Kids Play The Guilt Card article in BusinessWeek. This may be of use in Family Business later on. And if not, it's still interesting.
  • 26 Most Fascinating Entrepreneurs: Richard Branson article from I just wrote an article on Branson's commitment of donating $4 Billion from his transport businesses to the fight against global warming. He's an interesting character.
  • Ladies Who Launch website network for women entrepreneurs. I like this idea of women focused entrepreneurial networks.

Keep Bizzy!


"I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn't really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going.”

Richard Branson

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Jumping Over Hurdles

Hurdle 1: Quantum Strides for Scribe

I met with "S.Pace" yesterday for coffee, and I couldn't be happier with what we accomplished in just 3 hours! He's a very, very talented graphic designer, and he is also "in the know" about the latest in technology, so he is helping me with communication components of Scribe as well. Yesterday:

  • He presented me with 2 logo's for Scribe Professional Writing & Editing Solutions (he is working on others, but I will decide on one within the next few weeks)
  • We registered a domain name and hosting package for the company website (currently under construction - I will annouce the URL when it is functional)
  • We looked into setting up a 1-800 number for the company (clients from all over North America can contact me through just one number)
  • We discussed the posibility of combining our two businesses to offer clients a more dynamic selection of services

The last point is not set in stone, but we are meeting again next week to discuss how (and if) we could make it work.

Hurdle 2: Novel Finished

I finally finished Robinson Crusoe. I read 114 pages of it today. Now, I need to type up a 2 page paper on one of the following for tomorrow:
  • Is Robinson Crusoe a spiritual autobiography or a tale of a successful capitalist?
  • How would you describe Crusoe's relationship to Friday? (Think about this question in the context of colonialism).
  • What is Crusoe's relationship with money?
  • What do you make of Crusoe's response to the cannibals?
  • What is realist about this novel?

The easy choice would be the last question: "what is realist about the novel?", but I may do "what is Crusoe's relationship with money". My eyes are completely blood-shot from reading all day so I might regret this decision in about 30 minutes.

Hurdle 3: "The Golf Product" Business Plan

"The golf product" business plan was put on hold today as I was scrambling to finish my novel. However, the date in which my dad needs it has been pushed back several times already. He thinks he will definately need it for Wednesday, which is perfect for me because after I write this Robinson Crusoe paper, I can completely devote myself to finishing it.

Upcoming hurdles include:

  • Updating Scribe Business Plan and Financials

I could list 20 more things, but I am just taking it one step at a time. I love my to-do lists, and I try to get everything done on them - but I wont cut corners just to get them done.

Keep Bizzy!


"Goals determine what you're going to be"

Julius Erving

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Historic Properties Pictures!

As promised, here is a sample of pictures from my trip to Historic Properties in Halifax last Tuesday. This trip started out as a project for my Retail Management class, but I figured that I may as well capture some memorable pictures along the way.

I have many more interesting pictures on my Flickr account. Check out the whole set here. Click on the thumbnails below to view a larger image.

MissBiz - We sell EW beds
This is where my journey began. Speaking about advertising disasters...

MissBiz - PortMissBiz - Waterfront 9
MissBiz - Waterfront 5MissBiz - Theodore Tugboat
Pretty pictures of the Halifax Harbour.

MissBiz - Acadia Tallship
I love tall ships.

MissBiz - Mermaid WoodMissBiz - Student Loan
This student is a true artisan; she is carving a beautiful mermaid from wood. Check out the tin can on her table... Oh the joys of being a student.

MissBiz - Double DeckerMissBiz - Cafe Chianti
Who says Halifax isn't charming?

MissBiz - Icecream time
I scream, you scream!

MissBiz - Hilltribe 2
I purchased these handmade rings at Hilltribe. I am giving (most of) them away to freinds.

"In the middle ages people were tourists because of their religion, whereas now they are tourists because tourism is their religion"
Robert Runcie

Friday, September 22, 2006

Weekend Agenda

I went out for dinner tonight with my friend Danielle at Your Father's Mustache on Spring Garden Rd. Unfortunately she is moving to Alberta in three months in search of better job opportunities in accounting, but I intend to have some fun with her before she leaves. I will not be seeing her much after next Saturday, so next Friday we will be hitting The Economy Shoe Shop.

Incidentally I left my camera at her place this evening, which has all of my wonderful pictures of the Historical Properties (Waterfront/Downtown) trip I took on Tuesday. I will recoup my camera tomorrow and post them as soon as I can!

Good news! I am finally meeting "S.Pace" tomorrow morning at 10:00 for coffee. We will be discussing my company, Scribe Professional Writing & Editing Solutions - the design of the logo, marketing ideas, the website, and business cards.

Besides that, the things I will be working on this weekend include:

  • "the golf product" business plan - due Monday!
  • Updating the financials and expenses spreadsheet for Scribe
  • Finishing Robinson Crusoe

Keep Bizzy!


"The early bird catches the worm"

William Camden

MissBiz Journal Article, "East Coast Pub Crawls: Works Hard So You Can Party Hard"

By MissBiz aka Jacqueline Howatt
Published and Copyright September 20, 2006
Saint Mary's University, The Journal

Do you like socializing, partying, or drinking? If you answered, “yes!” to any one of these, then chances are that you have been (or will be) on a pub-crawl. Now, imagine enjoying pub-crawls so much that you decide to start a business dedicated to organizing them and other social events. For Brad Steeves, a fellow Marketing major here at SMU, he did exactly that. I had the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Steeves, the founder of East Coast Pub Crawls, and discuss his unique business idea, the unexpected demand for his services, and the excitement of being an entrepreneur.

“I worked for Molson for 2 years as a campus rep, but because I couldn’t advertise on campus, I organized pub crawls to promote them. After a while students came to me to organize their own pub-crawls and other events, so I started this business last January and from there, it just took off”. East Coast Pub Crawls operates in both Moncton and Halifax, but is expanding to the Fredericton market within the next few months.

It may seem intimidating for a University student to get involved with (what seems like) such a competitive market, but when I asked what differentiates East Coast Pub Crawls from other businesses Mr. Steeves responds, “You know, I don’t have that much competition”. As a result of this, his business has gained a word-of-mouth buzz, and he has organized events for students as SMU, Acadia, Dalhousie, and for innumerable businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals who want to celebrate a special day with their friends. He’s even organized events for Sobeys, Superstore, and Law firms.

A common thread found in most entrepreneurial stories is that the entrepreneur knew from a very young age that they did not want to work for anyone else. When asked why he decided to become an entrepreneur, Mr. Steeves responds, “It’s in my blood. When I was little, probably around 6 years old, I took some pots from my garage and I dug up my mothers plants and sold them to our neighbors”.

Like any successful entrepreneur, Mr. Steeves prepared thoroughly before officially launching his business. “I had the name registered, and put together a marketing plan with cash flows to see what my costs were”. Now that he is actively implementing his marketing plan, he describes the key tactics that are working for him, “On every pub- crawl shirt I put the URL address of the company – anyone who goes on the pub crawl will see it and the participants keep the shirts [so it serves as both a souvenir and advertising]”. Other effective ways he advertises is through, “search engines, tossing out shirts at bars, radio ads, banner ads on local Halifax bar websites, and adverts in The Coast”. The East Coast Pub Crawls website alone accumulates over 1,000 unique hits every month!

East Coast Pub Crawls is a full-service business that organizes every last detail for their clients. “All a client has to tell me is how many shirts they want and the sizes. I can pretty much go from there. I can design and print the shirts, organize a chartered bus if needed, I call the bars of your choice and get you drink specials where I can, and best of all - there are no cover charges or line-ups”. An East Coast Pub Crawl event is reasonably priced and extremely affordable. A student event is generally only $15.00 per person! “For fundraising events it is a lot less, since I can arrange sponsors for these events”.

The next East Coast Pub Crawls event is “Uni-Fest” which is a huge pub-crawl that includes 200 people from SMU, 200 people from Dal, and 100 people from Acadia on September 29th, 2006. There are still spots left, so get your friends together and join! Check out or call Brad Steeves at (902) 444-9167.

East Coast Pub Crawls: The Best Night You’ll Never Remember!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Marketing Blogs and Info-Competition

Is it just me, or is there a major surge of info-competition between blog genres?

Like most bloggers and non-bloggers, I am often perusing the web in search for interesting information, which for me includes: marketing, branding, consumerism, entrepreneuship, writing, graduate school, etc... I often get tied up in the web of links leading from one website to another until I've forgotten which blog I was originally looking at. As a result of this casual web-surfing (particularly in regards to marketing blogs) I've noticed a sort of existing tension (or as I refer to it, info-competition) that is becoming increasingly noticeable between the so called, "community of bloggers".

On the surface, this network of marketing blogs may seem supportive of one another by featuring one another's blogs under their "Frequently Visited" section. However, I believe that the true reason for keeping these blogs under close watch is a marketing tactic in and of itself (which every marketer can identify with) as monitoring the competition, or continually assessing the possibility of T's (as in SWO*T*). The Viral Garden blog exemplifies this notion of competition by regularly posting "The Viral Garden Top 25 Marketing Blogs" list.

It is overwhelming the amount of industry information these blogs are churning out on a regular basis. They all strive to be the first to post about a particular issue, and in so doing, they gain the respect of fellow bloggers (aka, competitors). By being one of the first to post about a given subject (or to have an insightful view of a particular issue), a blogger is basically guarenteed to be referenced in a related blog. This, in turn, gives the pioneering blogger a reputation of knowledge in the subject, which ultimately gives them credibility, and thus, increases the hits to their own blog.

Maybe marketing bloggers are not consciously aware of it yet, but by so desperately wanting to be the first to post unique thoughts, industry insights, and marketing breakthroughs on their own blogs, what they fundamentally want is publicity themselves.

I suppose this inclination began to wear on me when I had the feeling that in order to blog about marketing, branding, copywriting, business, or what have you, I would have to give up everything else in my life and completely devote myself to rummaging the nooks and cranny's of the Internet; subscribing to every magazine, website, and vblog just to keep up with the dire competition of business related blogs! This is often the cause of frustration and anguish for blogging business consultants. They feel the need to compete against the mountains of like-minded blogs in order to stay relevant, and to have something to really be proud of.

Last year I read a post by "What's Your Brand Mantra", and I did not think of it as anything more than what the post was literally about. I really couldn't identify with "blog depression" or "content anxiety" as I was not blogging at that time, but I did know that it was this particular post that held me back from starting a blog. It is only now that I understand what these syndromes are, not because I personally suffer from them, but because I now have my own personal insight as to what may cause them: info-competition.

Sadly, I know that I am subject to the dog-eat-dog world of info-competition. By not being active in the hunt for the latest news and industry drama, I too will fall behind in keeping up with my "competition" and risk being cast out of the blogging in-crowd.

****This post could have ended there, and it would have served as a useful reflection to my consulting comrades (*cough* competition). But I will say this, I will probably not be the first to comment on marketing breakthroughs, and I will probably not always have the most current industry information on my blog. But I will have things that interest me in my chosen fields, and I will always, always have my own insights on the current state of things. This blog is a reflection of who I am, what I think, and what I do on a (mostly) profressional level. I have a blog because I love doing what I am doing right now - analyzing, writing, wondering.****

I encourange my "competitors" to keep posting the random bits of information that they are all-too-good at finding, but you can count on me to dig deeper.

Keep Bizzy!

"I'm not in competition with anyone but myself. My goal is to beat my last performance."
Celine Dion

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Apple'd Color Glasses

Even though I don't have a Mac (yet), and I own another brand of mp3 player (not an iPod), I still love Apple. They are branding gurus. And now that they are retailing their own products in their own Mac Stores, I am even more impressed. They really know how to work the intangible value aspects of branding.

In my Retail Management class today my professor was explaining why Apple has invested in their own retail stores, [...... I just got back from a fire evacuation! It went off right in the middle of this sentence!] and it makes total sense. In stores like Best Buy and Future Shop, Mac products tend to take a backseat to the more "commercially friendly" Microsoft software products. Therefore, they are misrepresented and sales were not on par with Apple's expectations. So, Apple decided to open up Mac Stores, which offer customers a wide selection of Apple products, and it also provides a retail experience. What is a retail experience, you ask? Take a look at the picture below, and you can probably figure it out for yourself.

This is the Mac Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Just a glass box? No. Click here to see more pictures.

Keep Bizzy!
"I want to put a ding in the universe."
Steve Jobs

"I wish him the best, I really do. I just think he and Microsoft are a bit narrow. He'd be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger. "
Steve Jobs

Planning a Trip

I know! Yesterday was the first time I hadn't posted anything since starting this blog! Trust me, it's not because I didn't want to (...I love this blog!) but I was caught up doing other things...

I wrote two journal articles yesterday (which I will post tomorrow). Around 6:00 pm yesterday, I made my way to The Journal office to edit and proof-read. Soon after I arrived we all went down to the Gorsebrook and I had the yummiest peice of chocolate cheesecake ever.

During the night, I went around asking several societies if they had any upcoming events they'd like to advertise in The Journal, and low and behold, I found a new awesome society that I am so interested in: The Environemntal Society! They have an interpretive hike coming up in which I might attend, and they have a speaker visiting in November (I believe) who will be discussing Economics and the Environment (something I have written about in the past). It should be really fun.

Anyway, I made my way back from the office at 12:00 am, and as I opened the security door of my building, I read a note that was taped to the wall: Due to electrical maintenence, the power will be shut off in this building from 12:00 am to 8:00 am. I made it home just in time to make tea! I was up until 2:00 am when the lights came back on. Then I went to sleep.

So anyway, enough of that.

Today I went to my 8:30 class and then continued reading Robinson Crusoe. In about an hour I will be heading down to Historic Properties/ Barrington Place to do a "Retail Survey" for my class. I will be analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of certain areas and monitoring the atmosphere on the streets.

As for tonight, I will be working on the business plan for "the golf product" and reading Robinson Crusoe for the rest of the night.

I'll post some pictures of my trip to Historic Properties later.

Keep Bizzy!

"Learning is the discovery that something is possible"
Fritz Perls

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Time-Out for Romance

I went to bed last night around 3:00 am (not abnormal for a Saturday night), but for some reason I got up this morning at 8:00 am. I'm a morning person, but this is rediculous! Anyway, I did my laundry (some by hand), and washed the dishes by 10:00 am.

I normally go to bed around 1:00 am or so every night, but I was too busy last night bawling over the most romantic movie ever created, The Notebook. It's right up there, and in a lot of ways even surpasses, Romeo and Juliet. When I first saw The Notebook last year, my first thought afterward was, "they are so meant for each other". I wanted them to be together in real life because it was just meant to be! I was elated to find out that they actually are together. And they are both from Ontario - like me :) This reminds me of a magical scene from the Video Music Awards in 2005 featuring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams... click here to watch the clip. It's so amazing! Yes, I guess you could call me a hopeless romantic at heart. I am. I admit it.

I'm really, really picky about the movies I watch and when I like a movie... I really, really like it. I don't own a lot of DVD's, I just usually watch the same ones over and over again. I've always been like that - but I'm not obsessive like a Star Wars geek or anything - I don't have posters or t-shirts or desktop wallpaper...

Anyway, I have been feverishly trying to finish this business plan for my dad. It's a good thing I made a 38 page Integrated Marketing Plan for this product last year, or else I would be falling behind. I feel another to-do list coming on....


  • Finish Business Plan!
  • Finish MissBiz article (the interview)
  • Read Retail Management chapter 2

This may take a while : /

Keep Bizzy!


Song of The Day:

She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5

Saturday, September 16, 2006

You Are A Cult

I've been reading The Culting of Brands by Douglas Atkins. It has definately been one of the most pivotal reads in my personal experience as a marketer, as a student, and as an entrepreneur.

It discusses the parallel nature of 'branding' and 'cults' in history, going back thousands of years. Something that really stuck with me is the fact that religion, in all of its forms, are cults. Communities are cults, organizations are cults, a blog is a cult, a person can be a cult, a brand name is a cult.

When we think of cults, rarely do we relate Christianity, Apple Computers, or Saturn owners to the definition. We tend to think of a small, radical, anarchist-type group huddled together in a basement somewhere, chanting with lit candles. Even though organizations that fit this mould exist, a "cult" is not limited to this connotation. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown actually touches on this topic - about how Christianity suppressed certain information and swelled reality in order to fit their ideologies (aka organizational sentiments).

The Culting of Brands takes you through some of the best corporate cult brands, and often holds them up against religious structures as being the benchmark of branding.

I suggest this book to anyone in marketing, or anyone who wishes to create solid brand loyalty.

Keep Bizzy!

"A great brand is a story that’s never completely told"

Scott Bedbury/Nike, Starbucks

Friday, September 15, 2006

No Rest For The Wicked

I've been pressed for time for the last couple of days which explains the lack of posting (albeit - I have posted at least one thing everyday... but for me, that seems sparse).

Anyway, where should I begin? Okay...

I interviewed a fellow student entrepreneur yesterday evening. I will be writing up an article about him and his business this weekend for my MissBiz column this coming week. The interview itself was only about 40 minutes, so it was very streamlined and to the point. I will be posting the article this Thursday.

After the interview, I was up until about 2 am last night working on:
  1. a one page "thought paper" for my Family Business course discussing, "What Exactly Is A Family Business?". It was actually interesting to write since the topic is so multi-dimensional and it requires a decent amount of thought. I wrote that for about 2 hours, from 10 pm - 12 am.
  2. editing the PDF file of the packaging for "the golf product" that I am the Marketing Director for. Among other things, I am responsible for all of the packaging text, and there were a few final gramatical errors that had to be addressed. That took me from about 12 am - 1:30 am. This had to be completed last night so the marketing company could recieve the corrections by this morning, make the changes, and then have the packaging printed out for my dad to approve by the afternoon (my dad owns "the golf product" company).

As for today...

After my Family Business class this afternoon, I went for a walk to Spring Garden Rd. I stopped in this little boutique called, "Dressed In Time". It's essentially a second hand store that markets its clothing as "vintage", "hip", and "almost new". I personally didn't find anything, but I must say that they did have some really great cowboy boots. I'm serious.

Since I've been home for the night I've been working on some stuff for "the golf product". My dad sent me a script for a commercial. He needed me to edit it, but after talking to him for about an hour, we decided we did not need the script at all. We are now working on making the "brochure website" for the product (again, wish I could say the URL at this point, but I can't for a couple more weeks). The "brochure site" is kind of like a "beta" site where it's primarily for initial business contacts, and is not intended for final customers. I have to write the text for the website by next week, but that's nothing compared to the project I have in store for this weekend...

I need to write a completely new business plan for "the golf product" by Monday. (Are you getting the hint to why I started my own professional writing & editing business? It's all I do!) Due to major time restrictions, it will be only 6-7 pages, plus a financial spreadsheet. I'll have to extract the nitty gritty financial information from my dad tomorrow.

Clearly, I haven't had enough time in the past few days to meet with "S.Pace" about the Scribe Professional Writing & Editing Solutions website and other materials I need for the business. Sometime this week for sure.

That pretty much brings you up to date!

Keep Bizzy!

Did you know?
Did you know that the nickname "MissBiz" came from my dad? Ever since I could walk he called me "MissBiz" because I was always hyper and seriously into something - painting, colouring, drawing, dancing, climbing into stuff, and jumping around. When I began writing for The Journal I couldn't think of an appropriate name for my business column, and then a memory of my dad calling me "MissBiz" (when I was 4 years old) popped into my mind. It just made sense.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

MissBiz Journal Article, "NETWORK!!"

by MissBiz aka Jacqueline Howatt
Published and Copyright September 13, 2006
Saint Mary's University, The Journal

To be very blunt right off the top: if you are in business you MUST learn how to network. If you desire to meet employers, get promoted, or grow your business, networking is where it’s at! The problems most students face when confronted with this issue include: not knowing how to network, not knowing why they should network, not knowing where to network, and not knowing how to network effectively.

First, let’s look at the “How?” factor. Networking is a skill. And like every skill, it is honed with time and practice. The only effective way to understand how to network (and to not look like a total goof), is to do your research. The Internet houses a plethora of valuable information on the topic of social and professional networking. Some websites that often feature these subjects include,,, and A great networking article is, “How to End or Leave a Conversation” which is from

To be more specific, there are a few things you must sort out before you set forth into the networking world. First, you must know why you are networking in the first place. Is it to find a business partner? Is it to meet future employers? Is it to meet other students who share your interests? You should also know what field or genre of people you want to be networking with; Business students? Avid readers? International students? Computer buffs? Knowing why and who you want to meet will then project you into the next step in effective networking, and that is where to look for these contacts.

As a university student, you are at an advantage when it comes to meeting new people in your field of interest. There are literally dozens of societies at Saint Mary’s University, and many of them transcend and crossover various areas of interest (the Commerce Society, ACE Society, Marketing Society, Accounting Society, AIESEC, etc). Each society hosts several networking events that members and non-members are welcome to participate in every year. In terms of networking - the more societies you are in, the better. However, societies are not the only means to networking if you are (or are not) a university student. For example, not only businesses are eligible to join the Chamber of Commerce! A student can join the Nova Scotia Chamber of Commerce for only $85.00, whereas a non-student (individual) would pay $225.00. The Chamber of Commerce is a prime example of networking at its best – and that’s the main reason most people and businesses join. Some upcoming networking events the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting include: September 26th – Communicating For 2 Left Feet: Win Friends and Influence, September 28th – Networking for Success, and October 25th – Commerce Connections: Halifax Military Community Center. You can learn more at

Finally, I will address the necessity of networking effectively. Again, you can gain much information on the Internet, however, I will mention a few key components that will give you a head start. First, dress to impress. Don’t walk into an executive dinner with a pink feather boa, a skimpy halter-top, and a jean mini skirt. People make an automatic assessment of who you are by how you physically present yourself. Dress appropriately to the occasion. Secondly, get your handshake and introduction down pat. Nobody respects a flimsy handshake. An introduction for most would sound something like, “Nice to meet you, my name is ____, and you are?” This can definitely be varied to suit your own personality. Third, have some prepared icebreaker questions. These don’t have to be stuffy, but they should be appropriate to the occasion. For some ideas, visit . Lastly, you should have some decent business cards (you can make decent ones at home on your PC). A good rule of thumb: ask for the other person’s card before presenting your own. It may seem arrogant otherwise!

I hope this helps some of you frosh students, and even some of you more adept networking students. Remember the old adage, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Having read this article, you now have the know-how - the rest is up to you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Leveling the Playing Field (My Thought Paper on Youtube)

I've been marinating the endless possibilities of media sites like Youtube today - especially with the emergence of Lonelygirl15. I think we have only scratched the surface in developing interactive communication forms that will ultimately bridge the gap between provider and end-user.

I think what is supremely interesting is that businesses are now realizing that obscene financial investments in marketing and promotion does not guarentee a product's success. New technologies, consumer-operated media vehicles, and communities (such as Youtube and myspace) are leveling the playing field between mega corps and small businesses, where the product's success relies more on innovation and consumer involvement, rather than multi-million dollar advertising campaigns which actually distance the consumer from the product by creating unattainable ideologies (for example, Lonelygirl15 and her video blogs versus a 45 foot advert in Times Square of Kate Moss).

Consumers find value in attainable 'relationships' with the companies they deal with (thus, the growing popularity of specialty and service oriented boutiques). All this while, the "customers" or more appropriately still, "the viewers" of the Lonelygirl15 saga continually posted their responses and reflections about "Bree" "Daniel" and "Purple Monkey" in their own Youtube video blogs, thus, they were excited at the idea of interacting with this "accidental" celebrity.

Youtube creates a common thread and blurred line between "celebrity/ corporation" and "viewer/ consumer". Because most people in today's world revolt against the thought of being marketed to, this new "artform/ marketing medium" could have dire consequences to a company that should abuse the viewers trust (as Lonelygirl15 has been accused of doing). But nonetheless, the creators of Lonelygirl15 have unexpectedly formed and revealed (even to the most talented industry professionals) what the future in consumer marketing holds. The Lonelygirl15 marketing formula is the benchmark to which companies of all sizes aspire to mimic; giving consumers what they want, when they want, and how they want it, without having to break the bank to make it possible.

Keep Bizzy!

"We built your fort. We will not have it used against us."
John Wayne Allegheny Uprising

Breaking News... Shooting at Dawson College

Five minutes ago I turned on CNN and immediately chills ran up my spine. It was breaking news of a shooting at Dawson College in Montreal. I cannot believe it.

All I am thinking right now is of my sister, who is at a college (not Dawson College) as we speak. That, and also the senselessness and insane selfishness of this situation. Four people are dead, including two gunmen (one died from a self-inflicted gun shot and the other from Police), meaning there are two victim deaths, and I believe 16 others have been critically injured. Police are still unsure of the possibility of more gunmen inside the building. It is total chaos.

The situation is still unfolding. I'm going to watch and I will update later.


UPDATE - Sept. 14, 2006: It is now a day later and much has been uncovered since the commotion of yesterday's shooting. There was only one gunman, Kimveer Gill, 25, who was apparently apart of the network. He has a blog ( that was taken down after it was aired on TV) and I had the chance to see it right before it was disbanned. It was nothing more than a twisted and ominous foreshading of (what now seems like) the inevitable, as he had dozens of pictures of himself holding knives and guns and making statements like, "I am the Angel of Death". He did not kill himself, he was actually taken down by a "hail storm" of bullets - which, according to his blog, is exactly how he wanted to die.

Sadly, one victim has been declared dead. Six are still in hospital, with two of the six in very critical condition.

No words can begin to describe the brutality and devastation of this heinous act (and others like it - Colmbine, Ecole Polytechnique). My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, and those who mourn their loss.

Youtube Geniuses?

I am officially convinced that the people behind are geniuses. Period.

It's hard to believe that last weeks MissBiz column, entitled "Youtube and a Marketing Phenomenon" (which was posted in this blog on Sept. 9th, 2006) was debating the factors relating to the validity of the Lonelygirl15 saga. Since the publication of my article, there have been daily insights and revelations which have exposed the truth.

Within this past week, we found out that the entire drama was created by a small production company (hence, the above average videos and considerable editing). However, the world was still waiting to find out who the actress dubbed Lonelygirl15 really was - and now we know. I also came across what looks like a personal blog (but probably isn't) that features more candid pictures of the actress - in a private jet.

I then fumbled upon another Youtube video which really got my wheels-a-turnin'.

It makes sense, and if it is the truth - they definately get my sincerest props. Any company in their right minds would find huge benefit to have a celebrity-type spokesperson with a good story (Microsoft, Dell, etc). They are also directly communicating with their fans so that the viewers can possibly throw ideas as to how the story should unfold, twist, and turn. The important part of this is that they are interacting with their fans - something not many corporatins can logistically do in an efficient way. Not only are they commendable for these reasons, but the mere fact that they keep unravelling this story one day at a time ensures that people, like myself, while maybe not interested in the actual Lonelygirl15 video blogs themselves, will be curious about where this path will lead.

Read more about the marketing of Lonelygirl15 here.

Keep Bizzy

"A genius is one who shoots at something no one else can see - and hits it"
Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Late Nights Ahead

Soon after I posted yesterday, I made my way over to the SUB (Student Union Building) to meet with the rest of The "Journal Krew". I ran into the Chief Editor and last years A&E Editor while they were going into the Gorsebrook pub. We (along with the former VP Academic, and a newbie proofreader) had dinner before getting to the tedius (yet fun) task of putting the paper together - as we do every Monday night. Hanging out together at the pub on Monday nights should be the new rule for The Journal Krew. I think it supports our team dynamic... ;-)

So basically, I was at The Journal office from about 6:00 pm to 12:15 am. This may seem like a long stretch, but it's not uncommon. And our poor Chief usually ends up staying up ALL night tying up the loose ends long after we leave.

Anyway, I didn't go to sleep until 2:30 am this morning, and unfortunately I have an 8:30 am Retail Managent class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Needless to say, after my class subsided all I wanted to do was lay down for a bit, but instead I decided to start reading Robinson Crusoe -which must be finished by the 20th. If I didn't begin reading it now I might end up falling behind since the novel is 432 pages of fairly small text which was written in 18th century prose. It's actually interesting so far, and I should have no problem finishing it on time. It strikes me as an antiquated version of "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks.

Besides that, I went grocery shopping (bought some really nice Navel Oranges... Go Vitamin C!) and then went for a run. This summer I ran the streets of my subdivision quite often, and sadly I've been neglecting it ever since I've arrived in Halifax (a week and a half ago). If I don't exercise I tend to get very stressed, so therefore, I strapped on my mp3 player, tied up my hair, ran down the stairs of my building, and soon realized - I am completely unfamiliar with the streets around this school (living on campus poses this type of ignorance since there are few reasons to go very far). So what did I do, you ask? Naturally, I ran right over to the Tower (the SMU sports complex) and hopped onto an available treadmill for 25 minutes. It felt sooo good.

In other news: I was unable to talk to "S.Pace" yesterday, as he was out of his office, so hopefully he will be around tomorrow. Also, tomorrow I am interviewing a fellow student entrepreneur for next weeks MissBiz column. I'll give you the low down on that in my next post.

Keep Bizzy

"... I consulted neither with Father or Mother any more, nor so much as sent them Word of it; but leaving them to hear of it as they might, without asking God's Blessing, or my Father's, without and Consideraton of Circumstances or Consequences, and in an ill Hour, God knows, On the first of September 1651 I went on Board a Ship bound for London..."
Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Save Yourself! ...and other updates

Came across this excellent example of saving your hard earned money.

Being the meiser that I am, I like to see what other people are saving for.


Besides that, I am still waiting to hear back from my client so I can officially get moving on the project. I'm excited about it, so I hope they get back to me soon :)

I've put off updating the financial spreadsheets for my company for the past couple days due to other more immediate responsibilities, but I should get a good start on it tomorrow morning (I can't today as it is the submission deadline for Journal articles, and I'll be in the office for most the night).

After my 1:00 class, I'll be stopping over at the Student Union Building to see what ideas my friend (aka S.Pace) has for my business logo and website! Exciting!!

Keep Bizzy

"Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing"
Anne of Green Gables

Today we remember..

The victims and survivors of September 11, 2001.

Read more here.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

American Apparel Backlash

Rumors are flying that American Apparel will be planting some roots in Halifax in the near future. Some say it's coming, some say it isn't. It's been suggested that I should follow up and write an article about it, but there is no substance and little interest (for myself and my reader) to talk about another company opening up shop in Halifax - it happens everyday. Coincidentally, whilst I staggered aimlessly around various websites, I stumbled upon an article that could punch up what would otherwise be a fairly dull read.

A Clamour Magazine article which exposes the intra-"affairs" and [un] ethical practices of the sexually progressive company has ruffled the feathers of American Apparel CEO, Dov Charney. I would say that I was shocked and disturbed, but how can I be after the disasterous corporate scandals in the past few years, ie: Enron, Tyco, etc? Even though I don't think American Apparel quite measures up to these infamous cataclysms, that's not to say that it wont someday - should articles like these keep surfacing.

Read about the controversy here. Read the Clamour Mag article here. Read the recent Business Week profile of Dov Charney here.

Keep Bizzy

"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance"
Samuel Johnson

Hot Chocolate Boost

I desperately needed a break from reading text on the "origins of the novel form", so I decided to take a picture of myself at my desk.

Keep Bizzy!

Networking = Success

For a new entrepreneur, business student, and really anyone who wishes to get their careers rolling, you must learn how to network - and network effectively.

I spent most of the day reading my Retail Management text and taking notes, and for the past couple hours I've been searching for ideas for my next MissBiz article, and I came across some very useful links for novice (and even experienced) networkers to check out. Click here, here, here, and here.

Keep Bizzy

"Position yourself as a center of influence - the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you'll soon become what you project"
"Informal conversation is probably the oldest mechanism by which opinions on products and brands are developed, expressed, and spread"

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Foot-In-Mouth-Itis (Less Talk, More Bizzy!)

Yesterday morning in my Family Business class at Dalhousie, my professor took the liberty of introducing himself (along with his assistant and co-professor) before he turned the tables, and asked for each student to do the same thing, along with explaining their interest in the subject of Family Enterprise (aka - if we grew up in, or are associated with one).

I was one of the first students to stand and explain myself. It went well. I described that I grew up in a family business (construction and real-estate), and that I currently am a Marketing Director for one of my fathers companies. Most students had a similar upbringing, but in various sectors (construction, marketing, medical, etc...).

There were approximately 25 people in the class, and around halfway through, this guy stands up and basically goes off on a complete rant about his future plans. The information I extracted from his speil included that:
(a) he has no experience with family business, but he claims to have read some "real-estate books" over the summer and plans to build an empire to hand down to his children one day (thus, this is his apparent interest in family business). He then points around the room and, "seriously recommends that we all read Rich Dad, Poor Dad".
(b) As he sits down, everyone is kind of just looking at him with furrowed brow. The professor then laughs good-naturedly and asks, "Is there anything else you want?" and this guys proclaims, "I'd also like to win the lottery".

Okay. I am all for ambition, goals, and vision, and I am not criticizing this guy in any way. But I think he failed to realize that most of the people in this class grew up in the whirlwind of a family enterprise to some degree, and by default, they pretty much know a thing or two about the struggle of entrepreneurship and/or corporate business.

It's so easy to say you are going to be the next Donald Trump, or whomever, but it is a completely other thing when you actually begin the uphill battle of obtaining even a small slice of what such moguls have created. It is entirely possible, of course, to obtain anything you want - and I am a firm believer in that. But it is another thing completely to go around proclaiming these notions to everyone around you. Why would one do that?

My advice: If you are going to do something - anything - then do it and don't just sit there talking about your imaginary private jets and yachts in 40 years from now. It really takes away from your credibility. Inflating a superficial image of who you will one day be only sets you up for a huge downfall (aka foot-in-mouth-itis). Going around claiming you are the next Bill Gates only makes you sound extremely naieve and discourages people from wanting to help you, because in essence you are threatening them with potential power.

So, therefore, plan all you want, set the biggest goals for yourself - but have a realistic approach to attaining them. And refrain from flaunting these huge goals to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. They probably don't care and you'll just come off sounding like an inexperienced jerk. Anyone can say they are going to be something. Only a select few have the wherewithal to actually do it.

I think this is great advice for any entrepreneur. I have had several friends (and yes, I am guilty too) who do more talking then acting. From personal experience, take this from me.

PS - And in no way am I knocking Rich Dad, Poor Dad. They're great books :)

Keep Bizzy!


MissBiz Journal Article, "YouTube and a Marketing Phenomenon"

by MISSBIZ aka Jacqueline Howatt
Published and Copyright: Sunday September 6, 2006
Saint Mary's University, The Journal

I can’t figure it out. I’ve never been so curious and perplexed by anything, ever. For the past month or so, I have been actively surfing the ever-expanding media site and I cannot pinpoint how, when, or most concerningly – why – I decided to click on a certain video blog (actually a mini-series) in the first place. With over 2 million views, this series has accumulated speculation and intrigue from “media expert” sources, such as, the New York Post, Businessweek, and New York Magazine, right down to the low lying network of media privy, web savvy, and marketing resistant consumers and bloggers, like you and I. I’m sure at least a handful of you have caught on by now what it is I am talking about, but if you haven’t, I could not be talking about anything other than the mind-boggling phenomenon that is, “Lonelygirl15”.

For those of you who are not in the loop, I’ll give you a brief overview. A teenage girl, named Bree, began posting video entries to accompany her YouTube blog known as “Lonelygirl15” – her online handle. She is home schooled in, according to her, a very “boring” town in the USA. She is fairly religious, quirky, cute, and decently intelligent for someone her age. She tends to blog about the boy of her affections quite frequently (who is basically her only companion) – Daniel or “DanielBeast” as he calls himself online. She also blogs about her hiking trips, lazy eye, her purple monkey, and “Proving Science Wrong” rebuttals. Daniel and Bree hang out often and a certain romantic chemistry exists, however, their relationship is completely innocent and plutonic – which is seemingly understandable as Bree’s parents are highly religious and Bree herself is relatively sheltered seeing as she is home schooled, as mentioned earlier. Daniel is often seen in Bree’s video blogs, which she films in her bedroom at her computer desk. Daniel also edits her video blogs, which incorporate music, slow motion, fast motion, and other cinematic techniques. There is nothing too catching about this entire scenario at all, until you notice how many views the “Lonelygirl15” videos have accumulated – over 2 million all together.

I stumbled into one of her videos in YouTube and noticed that she had a whole string of 2-minute video entries. Being curious about who this girl was (I have never followed anyone’s video blog before), I looked her up in Google to see if the videos were coming from a root source – such as her own MySpace or other website. Upon receiving the Google results, I was stunned at what I saw. This girl not only had her own YouTube space (with all of her videos), but she has a fansite, and multiple references from other bloggers and media giants such as the New York Post! I watched the rest of her videos, which did not amount to much at all – there were only a handful since she began posting earlier this summer. Besides having a fun personality and having an innocent appeal, I still could not wrap my head around what the big deal was.

Then I read the articles that referenced her videos, and this is when I became furiously interested. From what I have researched, the slippery slope of speculation begins with the following: 1) the “borderline professional” cinematography. She is just a girl in her bedroom at her computer desk with a webcam, but albeit, it does look more like an actual camera. 2) The Shakespearian-like drama between her and Daniel. They obviously like each other, but because of her strict parents, it does not seem likely they can be together. And if her parents are so strict, why are they allowing her in her bedroom with a boy and the door closed? It seems more like a scripted story than reality. 3) The “nemesis” following. Several other bloggers have become somewhat famous themselves for merely opposing Lonelygirl15 and stating that she is a fake. Outsiders have gone so far as to suggest that these opposing bloggers may be apart of the Lonelygirl15 story – possibly just to throw gas on the fire. 4) The fansite. The fansite,, was registered a month before Bree even posted her first blog, suggesting this is a set-up. 5) Since she has not commented to any of this speculation, people believe that all of her blogs were filmed all at once and posted sporadically to look as if it is a real video journal.

So is Lonelygirl15 for real, or, could it be something else? And if it is something else – what could it be? Enter the profuse amount of bloggers, critics, and writers (like myself), who are either trying to figure it out or who are just adding to the flames by speculating various meaning.

Right now, there are a few possibilities as to what the Lonelygirl15 blogs could be intended for. Many believe that this “mini-series” is some type of viral marketing scheme in order to promote the new documentary style video entitled, “The God Who Wasn’t There”. It is suggested that Bree may be in the trailer for the movie – but nobody can confirm if it is really her. Another theory is that it may be a brilliant viral marketing scheme for an unknown product that she will, in time, name drop to the millions of people watching her. Lonelygirl15 has even been compared to Moses – paving the way for a revolutionary twist in online marketing.

Nothing has been revealed as of yet, and the central aspect is that everyone adds their own opinion in what the fuss is about. Since it has been suggested that even the Lonelygirl15 critics are in on the plot, I cannot help wondering if I am in on it too, and I just don’t know it yet? Maybe this really is a mastermind virus set up so that whomever stumbles across it contracts it and spreads it to others. Like I am doing to you right now.

Who knows? It is very unsettling in a sense. However, I cannot help but marvel at this entire idea of something so unimportant reaching so many people in the world and having them work together to find a common meaning. Maybe Lonelygirl15 is just a teenager who is caught up in a wicked web of assumption and she decided to have fun with it by not acknowledging it at all. No matter how you look at it, Lonelygirl15 is a breakthrough in online marketing schematics – whether it was intended to be or not.

The Secrets of LonelyGirl15... Revealed!

Last week I wrote a huge article in The Journal regarding the mystery surrounding the LonelyGirl15 video blogs. Like millions, I was overwhelmed and slightly titillated by the notion of a quasi-revolution taking place right under our very noses....

Finally, the truth is out!

Keep Bizzy

Friday, September 08, 2006

Scribe Professional Writing & Editing Solutions

That's it! My business name is officially registered!

And by the description, it is fairly obviously what the business is - which was the intension for marketing and recognition purposes (and just plain common sense, really). I deliberated this name for a long time and I am very happy with it. It's a promising brand name. It's not confusing, misleading, or vague.

So there you have it. Now that that issue is sorted, I have a ton of work to do.

I still have to settle on the logo design for the business cards and other necessary stationary. I am fairly certain that a good friend of mine (and a miraculous graphic artist) will be helping me with the design of the logo and business cards. He's helped me out before in a similar situation, and he can always be counted on to produce *the best* work. This is another bonus of post-secondary education - you make friends with future feild professionals who will most likely help you out for free (as long as it can be reciprocated) :) His blog link is in "My Blog Fellowship" on the left sidebar of this page - "S.Pace".

My business goals for the next 3.5 months include:

  • Finalizing a logo and slogan
  • Business card design
  • Letterheads and other stationary design
  • Setting up a business cell number
  • Registering a website domain
  • Designing an informational website (to accompany this MissBiz blog!)
  • Updating the business plan: continuing analysis of the market and competition, closely monitoring expenditures, and strategizing growth opportunities

This can all be done while I am finishing this semester so that the business is ready to be executed in January. There are many details I can't share at this point (the place of operation, the potential logo, marketing plans, etc...) until they are concrete.

I know I haven't relinquished too much information at this point. But as the business develops, I will be revealing more - one step at a time.

Besides that, I have heaps of reading to do for my classes, a couple small papers, and a case all due by next week. My Family Business course at Dalhousie is great, and the professor is well spoken - and fun! It's nice to finally be around a group of people who can share their personal experiences and who can relate to your family background. Comforting is the word.

Keep Bizzy


"There is no such thing as the "right time"; There is only right now"

Jacqueline Howatt (Me!)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Does Al Gore Do His Own Research?

My first (and only) class today was Retail Management, at 8:30am. It was one of those first classes where the professor surprises you with an actual lecture instead of just going over the syllabus for 20 minutes, then letting you go. I have to say, I usually never mind staying for class (since every class does cost about $20.00), and this one was no exception.

In class, we discussed the subject matter to be covered over the next 3.5 months - various types of selling, retailing scenarios, locations, positioning, etc. But the one thing that my professor mentioned that still pervades my mind is when she bluntly stated that, "Canada's population is barely replenishing itself", and that in most countries, the population is growing slightly, not at all, and even decreasing. ...Huh?

What about documentary's like An Inconvenient Truth and The Corporation? They discuss how the earth is basically on the brink of ruins because of human reproduction, CO2 emmissions, and consumption. I do believe, however, that the scare tactics being used in regards to our changing environment is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I encourage it. But when there are two possible sides to a story, unlike Al Gore, I can't just pretend one doesn't exist.

Thankfully there is another side to the story. Read here and here. But please don't stop recycling and please, please - don't trash your birth control just yet. :)

Keep Bizzy

PS - Major info on my business in my next post!!

"Education has failed in a very serious way to convey the most important lesson science can teach: skepticism".
David Suzuki

C'est Moi

I hate reading blogs and not having a face to put to them, so...
This is me :)

*Click for larger view*

Keep Bizzy

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What's in a Degree?

Apparently not as much as there should be (or was).

Not only is it more and more impossible to find an appropriate job that will repay your school debt before the age of 40... now this.

Keep Bizzy

"The only honest measure of your success is what you are doing compared to your true potential"
Paul. J. Meyer

The Alternatives

I still cannot fully reason why I am so interested in anti-media and anti-consumerism organizations, such as AdBusters, This Magazine, and even Alternative Media Watch - which is American.

You'd think that, like many commerce students, my opus in life would be the accumulation of money and power - undercutting the underdog and fighting my way up the corporate ladder. I even felt guilty because my education thus far has cost approximately $65,000 and here I am, stimulated by the idea of rebelling against everything (most) of my professors have taught me - about corporate strategy, mass marketing, economies of scale, and globalization.

Well, I am making it sound worse than it actually is. The thing about University is that, yes, unless entrepreneurship courses are offered (and they are often hard to come by), you will be learning mostly about corporate scenarios and how to somewhat fit the mould of an executive manager. Not everything I've learned so far has been in vain, though. It is with this in-class education that I have branched out and felt the need to learn more about the seamy underbelly of Corporate America. You can't really appreciate one without recognizing the other.

I suppose the interest in anti-corporate, anti-media, and anti-consumerism affairs springs from my affliction for small enterprises aka "the underdogs". To me, small enterprises are the root of the entrepreneurial spirit. The entrepreneur - not the executive managers with the corner offices - truly love what they do. Their business is their life and their sustainability. I appreciate that dedication, perserverance, vision, and savvy.

Another reason that I seek out alternative media is the fact that I've learned enough to not rely on mainstream media... Maybe that was a more simple answer after all.

Keep Bizzy

Updates and the To-Do's

Naturally being a new blogger, I cannot help but be transfixed on this new little project. I literally spent 2 hours this morning frigging around with the HTML in order to adjust the template to my taste. It's not working out too well.

I just came in from my first class ever this year, The Study of The Novel. As my professor puts it, "this course will require heavy reading - it's best to read the book quickly and follow along with the class instead of falling behind...". Not being able to enjoy the book would take all meaning out of the class for me. I for one will take my time enjoying the books. I paid enough for them. You'll soon notice that I hate spending money and often complain if I make a purchase against my will (I'd rather put the cash in my savings). I inherited the tightwad gene from my dad.

Besides that, I called Corporate Affairs this morning and they left a message for me while I was in class. I should be recieving my confirmation documnents in the mail on Monday. Problem is -it's going to my parents house in New Brunswick, and not to my residence here in Nova Scotia. Does that mean the name was approved? Ugh!

Right now, I am just finishing up a pre-proposal for my client. It will be sent out by the end of today. Then I have to go back into my own business plan and make a spreadsheet for my operating financials. Luckily for me, I took an entrepreneurship class last year where we had to think of a business, write a complete business plan, and present it to actual VC's, Angel's, and other business leaders. It was in this class that I learned the importance of an electronic financial spreadsheet. In the words of my professor at the time, "it should always be on your desktop if you are a business owner, so you can go in and adjust figures as they change".

I should make a short to-do list to keep track of everything (I'm a serial to-do-lister):

  • Finish Client Pre-Proposal and Send Out
  • Financial Spreadsheet
  • Read Essays for English class (Realism and Romance, and Realism and The Novel Form)
  • Get UPass and Agenda from Student Center (so I can make even more to-do lists!)
  • Ideas for next MissBiz column?
  • Post latest MissBiz article

Keep Bizzy!


"Opportunity often comes dressed in overalls and is disguised as work"

Thomas Edison

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Last Peaceful Night

After the adventure I had this morning, I spent the rest of today trying to absorb the last few droplets of freedom until school begins tomorrow morning.

I flipped through my obscenely expensive text and novels I purchased earlier today, and I think I am going to fully enjoy these two courses *knock on wood*. For The Study of The Novel course, I will be reading:

  • The Hours by Michael Cunningham
  • Foe by J.M Coetzee
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
  • The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000 by Dorothy J. Hale

Even though I am extremely into entrepreneurship and marketing (which are my 2 majors), for some unexplicable reason I have always, always been huge on recreational reading and writing. I have absolutely no idea why, but it's been a continual pattern in my life (which may explain the implementation of this blog..). So therefore, what I am trying to say is that despite the copious amounts of commerce (accounting, economics, marketing, management, and finance) courses I've taken over the years, it's the English electives that really allow me to express my ideas, thoughts, and opinions about the business aspect of my life. Which is why I thoroughly appreciate my position at The Journal (Editor or not) - I can flawlessly combine my two fascinations - composition and commerce.

Speaking about business writing - last year I entered *three* business plans into the Saint Mary's University "What's The Big Idea" Competition, and two of my teams won the top two prizes. That was awesome. Actually, the W.T.B.I competition actually pushed me to start my business. You can see the results of the competition here:

Anyway. Still no word from Corporate Affairs about the business name. I am still forging ahead beautifully with my clients' project. It would just make things so much more "official" by having a business name. In due time, I suppose. I can't wait to finally expose what my business is to everyone! I'm very excited about it because I love what I am doing. I'm a very excitable person anyway...

In the meanwhile, I'll be adding various links and fun stuff to this blog shortly ("my blog fellowship", my MissBiz articles from The Journal (and possibly even the PDF files for the entire paper), my source page, about me pages, video blogs, pictures, etc..). If you come across weird links, dead links, or anything mysterious on this site for the next few weeks - just remember this is a work in progress.

Stay Tuned and...

Keep Bizzy


"It's not what the world holds for you - but what you bring to it"

Anne Shirley, Anne of Green Gables

Chaos and Robbery Before 9:30am

I was the first in line today to pick up my Student ID and my UPass (bus pass) at 8:45 am. Things didn't go as smoothly as I was hoping. Let's just say that before 9:30 am, I saw the Management Chair, the Registrar (three times), and the Academic Advisor in order to be considered a full-time student for this semester. In order to be a full-time student one must take 3 courses a semester and one of those three courses I have to take at Dalhousie because (joy!) SMU isn't offering it (this issue in itself is a whole other can of worms). So before I was approved by the above sources, I was not considered a full-time student at SMU - meaning I cannot recieve my UPass, and may have complications with living on campus since you must be full time to do so. But as far as I know, everything is straightened out. For now.

This whole ordeal served as somewhat of a distraction to the fact that I was robbed first thing this morning. Before jumping through the aforementioned hoops, I purchased the books required for my two courses - Retail Management (actually a Marketing course) and The Study of The Novel. $250.00. Two courses. I'm in business, but this is highway robbery. If there was such a thing as "legal robbery" this would be a Grade A example of the definition.

It's been about a week since I sent in my business name to the government. I have to call them today to see what the hold up is. I have the design for my business cards and other stationary chosen, but I am in a deadlock until I know what is going on with the name.

In the meanwhile, I am working on a project for a client that is very interesting and new for me since I have not researched much into their industry or target market before. I will absolutely not discuss client/ consultant information or projects since it is strictly confidential, and I take that very seriously. But I do a lot of research and reading and I can discuss anything I find particularly interesting along the way.

Keep Bizzy

"If you're going to be thinking anyway, you may as well think BIG"
Donald Trump

Monday, September 04, 2006

And The Ad-Venture Begins!

Well, I finally scrounged up the courage to officially start my own blog. It's not that I am totally green to the subject - I just always hesitated because I thought starting a blog was comparative to having a child - aka major responsibility. But, I decided to just go with it.

I have a rough idea about what this blog will consist of. Primarily, it is to keep myself in check with all the facets in my so-called-life, namely, the various ventures I am involved in.

So I guess the protocol is to clarify who I am. My name is Jacqueline Howatt, but everyone refers to me as Jackie or "MissBiz", which I will get to in a second. I am 22 years old.

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and I am just beginning my fifth year at Saint Mary's University this coming Wednesday. I am attaining a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a double major in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I've been fairly active in extra curriculars during my stay at University. For example, I've:

  • Worked for the Student Government Communications Department for 2 years (promoting and organizing events for students)
  • Been a CASA Ambassador (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations)
  • Been the Business Editor and columnist for the student newspaper, The Journal. My business column is known as "MissBiz", hence, my nickname.
  • Been an active member of the Saint Mary's Commerce Society

Outside of University:

  • I began working for a marketing company when I was 18
  • When I was 20 I became the Marketing Director for a specialized golf product (which I will keep under wraps until later)
  • Was the Vice President of Marketing for a start-up company called Blueprint Innovations which is an economic loyalty program concept that several colleagues and myself worked on for about a year. I am still a shareholder, but due to other commitments and interests, I am no longer apart of the day-to-day responsibilities.

Currently, I am still the Marketing Director for the golf company, and if I get hired back this year, I will remain the Business Editor for The Journal.

I am also starting my own business (finally!). The business name was approved - I am just waiting to hear back from the government for the final paperwork. I will disclose the name and other details when everything is approved. I will say that it is a small or "intimate" business consultancy firm that has major potential for growth because the services are specialized and frequently needed in the business community.

I've recieved a lot of flack for starting a business while in school, but hey, it's my life and I have my own expectations to fulfill. As Richard Branson would say,

"Screw it, Let's do it"

I think I'll post my articles from The Journal on here too. I just wrote 2 today, since today is the deadline for publication. I wrote one for MissBiz (of course), and one for the Opinions section.

Until next time...

Keep Bizzy


"Life is not a game;
Only the fittest and most aggressive will survive;
Sleeping is forbidden;
A second cannot be wasted;
When a second is lost, you lose;
And losing is for losers"
- Sean "Puffy" Combs -